Saturday, July 11, 2015

IT TAKES A THIEF TO CATCH A THIEF: The irony of Dr M, despot of 23 yrs & squanderer of RM100 bil, going after Najib

IT TAKES A THIEF TO CATCH A THIEF: The irony of Dr M, despot of 23 yrs & squanderer of RM100 bil, going after Najib
On the 10th July Tun M hit 90 years old and still there is no sign of slowing down from him. 10th July, his real birth date not known by many. Some books had claimed that Tun M’s father registered him as born on 20th Dec 1925. The reason given was to enroll him in school much earlier than he supposed to be. Was that because he was too bright and too mischievous? Only god knows.
At that tender age, Tun M probably came to realize that adjustments in life are indispensable to make things in one’s own way. He extensively used this habit to rule this country with his iron fists for 4 consecutive terms.
He made a number of drastic changes in the Malaysian political landscape. Among others is the destruction of the Malaysian judiciary system which caused the apprehension of few vocal MPs in 1987, followed by the removal of Tun Salleh Abbas, as the Lord President of Malaya in 1988. And not to be missed, the rampant issuance of ICs to the immigrants especially in Sabah and Sarawak which caused droves of Philippines especially from Sulu took shelter in Sabah coastline.
This practice made way for the Suluk people from the Sulu Islands to fight for the reclamation of Sabah from Malaysia. This incident claimed five precious lives from defense-force. All these were done for the sole purpose of staying in power but cunningly, under the disguise of a phrase, ‘fighting for the Malays’ supermacy’.
Due to his intense reading habit maybe, he still stays relevant to the gullible Malaysians who hardly read and easily hoodwinked by the politicians’ statements from either side of the political divide. Due to the encouragement from the gullible public, Tun M still gives interviews, writes in his blogs almost daily and even participates in public forums. However, his wit when answering the difficult and emotional questions from the public and the press is simply amazing and laudable.
MB's post for Muihkriz not enough
Despite having his son as the MB of Kedah, Tun M still launches attacks against Najib - forcing him to step down as the premier. As all of us aware, Tun M is a kind of expert and well experienced in this kind of attacks. This was done against a number of leaders.
The first victim was Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj. Followed by Tun Musa Hitam, Tun Ghafar Baba, Anwar Ibrahim, Tunku Razaleigh (Former Finance Minister) and Tun Abullah Ahmad Badawi. Even Najib never been spared from this.
This grand old man hardly admit his mistakes and been a big-head in the Malaysian political arena all the while. He even failed to understand the reason behind the existence of the Judicial System in Malaysia - or maybe he pretended to be unaware.
Not only that, he also found to be unaware of his grave mistake of expelling Anwar Ibrahim from the government in the year 1998. This unprecedented move had caused the emergence of the stronger opposition- coalition.
Eventually we had witnessed the Barisan National suffered a great defeat during the 12th General Election (GE) in 2008 and lost the 2/3rd majority in Parliament. However, Tun M was quick to put the blame on poor Pak Lah for the poor performance of the BN during that GE. As usual, the BN members also were agreeable to Tun M and made Pak Lah to step down to make way for Najib.
Massive wealth via MEGA projects

Tun M, amassed his wealth during his term as the Prime Minister and also involved in number of scandals which heavily cost the national coffers and the people too. But he managed to escape and deceive the Rakyat by the help of the main stream media.
Via plenty of Mega Projects, Tun M managed to secure 20% from the costs of those projects in his own account. His 3 sons having assets worth billions of dollars- fail to explain where they got the money until today.
Despite all these allegations, Tun M still busy hit Najib’s shortcomings as a PM. Having saying that, will the Rakyat ever realize this and stop singing to his obsolete tunes against Najib Tun Razak?! - MAILBAG

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