Wednesday, July 29, 2015

JOHOR PRINCE SPEAKS UP FOR MUHYIDDIN? 'I will never support a person who is CORRUPT' - TMJ tells Johoreans

JOHOR PRINCE SPEAKS UP FOR MUHYIDDIN? 'I will never support a person who is CORRUPT' - TMJ tells Johoreans
Amid controversy over Prime Minister Najib Razak's sacking of  Johor-born deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin on Tuesday, the state's Crown Prince Tunku Ismail has issued a thought-provoking statement that appears to lash out at Najib.
"I will never support a person inside FAM or in any organization that is corrupt. Should we continue to throw our support to those who we know are corrupt that just shows how low and undignified we are," Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor, wrote in the Facebook page of the Southern Tigers.
Tunku Ismail grabbed the media headlines recently, when he lambasted Najib as having 'everything to hide' after the latter pulled a 'no-show' at a much-publicized tell-all forum on the 1MDB financial debacle.
Muhyiddin was sacked after he crticized the scandal-tainted 1MDB fund, which Najib had founded in 2009. The former DPM had demanded an independent and thorough probe so as to bring wrong-doers to justice.
Sacked to stop 1MDB probe against Najib?
Tunku Ismail has been critical of Najib
Laden with RM42 bil of debt - with RM2.6 bil allegedly diverted into Najib's personal bank accounts - the 1MDB financial scandal has bogged down Malaysia's stock and currency markets whilst preventing the government from focusing on its policy-making and governance duties.
Another minister, Shafie Apdal, who had criticized Najib's 1MDB fund was also sacked on Monday.
There is now talk Najib is plotting to sack Muhyiddin from Umno, after removing him from the Cabinet.
This has added to the growing public anger at Najib for allegedly removing his deputy so as to cover his corruption trails in 1MDB.
The Attorney General, Gani Patail, who had been heading a special task force into the 1MDB corruption allegations, was also 'terminated' on Tuesday morning, prompting talk that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission was about to arrest Najib this few days.
Calls for Najib to resign over Muhyiddin's sacking
Muhyiddin and Shafie
Since news of the shock sacking broke on Monday afternoon, Facebook, Twitter and other social media have been abuzz with irate citizens calling for Najib's resignation.
Groups of young Johoreans too had banded together to voice their displeasure over Muhyiddin's sacking. The former DPM, who is also the MP for Pagoh, was replaced by Home Minister Zahid Hamidi. - Malaysia Chronicle

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