Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ministers can submit questions on 1MDB to Husni, says Rahman Dahlan

Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan says a lot of information was already given to Cabinet members in a factsheet on 1MDB. – The Malaysian Insider pic, July 29, 2015.Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan says a lot of information was already given to Cabinet members in a factsheet on 1MDB. – The Malaysian Insider pic, July 29, 2015.
Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan today has come out to explain matters surrounding the factsheet on 1Malaysia Development Fund (1MDB), saying that ministers who want to know more about the issue can submit questions to the relevant minister.
The newly-appointed Barisan Nasional strategic communications director, in a statement today, said that there was also no restriction if members of the Cabinet wanted to take the factsheet home.
The Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government minister was responding to claims made by former deputy prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today that the explanation on 1MDB was inadequate.
"The factsheet mentioned by Tan Sri Muhyiddin was not retrieved. All Cabinet members can take the factsheet home if they want to," he said.
"There was a lot of information explaining the hot issues related to 1MDB," he said.
"Attached was a letter from Husni asking any members of the Cabinet who still want additional clarification to write down questions in a certain format and send them to him."
Muhyiddin, in a press conference earlier today, told reporters that the clarification made on the 1MDB scandal via a factsheet was not comprehensive enough.
The Umno deputy president reportedly said that the explanation was inadequate in comparison to the issues and controversy surrounding the debt-ridden state-owned company.
"That is why I need more information from various quarters as well as feedback to help me understand it and try to help resolve it.
"What I know is from some sources and a few referral materials... what you know about 1MDB, I maybe know a bit more than that," he told a packed news conference at his residence today.
The former deputy prime minister had previously criticised 1MDB, which is the brainchild of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Najib, who is the finance minister, is also the chairman of the troubled state investment vehicle's advisory board.
He, however, expressed confidence that the 1MDB issue can be resolved due to the numerous investigations into the state investment firm.
Both Parliament's Public Accounts committee (PAC) and a special task force are probing into 1MDB's operations as well as allegations of financial irregularities.

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