Sunday, July 12, 2015

MURDER TRAILS DOG NAJIB: Justice for Najadi page opened, info on Sirul also obtained

MURDER TRAILS DOG NAJIB: Justice for Najadi page opened, info on Sirul also obtained
Pascal Najadi, the son of slain AmBank founder Hussain Najadi, has launched a Facebook page dedicated to solving his father's murder.
The Justice for Najadi page comes as Pascal, a private banker based in Russia, claimed his father's killing was linked to Prime Minister Najib Razak's AmBank private accounts. Najib has been accused of diverting some US$ 700mil of government money into his personal accounts at AmBank.
Pascal also claimed the 'mastermind killer' Lim Yuen Soo was still at large and in Malaysia despite a global hunt by Interpol and claims by the Malaysian IGP, the case was closed.
Najadi also sensationally claimed Lim was connected to the wife of a senior politician, but did not name the leader.
Mastermind jointly owned security firm with ex-top cop & another
The Najadi murder case has riveted national attention, given its sensational ingredients. Already out in the open is disturbing information that Lim owned a firm that provided security services - with a former senior cop and another man as his partners.
The revelation will put pressure on the Home Ministry which has been slammed for being lax in vetting security services firms, paving the way for organised crime to infiltrate the industry and allowing 'criminals to guard the kitty'.
Info on Sirul also collected
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Pascal has invited all who have information on his father's murder to write to him.
So far, he says he has received "invaluable information relating to Mr. Lim Yuen Soo and former Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, one of the men found guilty in connection with the murder of the Mongolian lady citizen Ms. Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa."
This is what Pascal wrote in the inaugural posting on the Justice for Najadi Facebook page for is dad:
Dear Malaysian Citizens, dear international observers, dear members of the Press, dear Friends,
Our investigation team and I thank all those many of you that have reached out to share information. We are processing all leads and possible elements and are collating information in the process and in parallel to the ongoing fast evolving WSJ MDB1 corruption evidence.
Mastermind Killer wanted by INTERPOL, Mr. Lim Yuen Soo:
The plot thickens and we are thankful for some of you that have come forward with important detailed pieces of information. We urge all to send us any information that you might observe or have about those three men. Mr. Lim Yuen Soo and or former Melaka Tengah Police Chief Mr. Mohd Khasni Mohd Nor and or Mr. Ismail Mohd Noh. All three men are controlling owner shareholders of the Malaysian Security firm Active Force Security Services Sdn Bhd.
We are also most thankful to numerous quality investigative journalists that contacted us during the last 72 hours with invaluable information relating to Mr. Lim Yuen Soo and former Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, one of the men found guilty in connection with the murder of the Mongolian lady citizen Ms. Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa.
For all those of you that believe to have elements and leads to help our investigation, please send an email direct to our Security & Investigation Team via
Our servers are secure, our equipment is physically located in Moscow, the Russian Federation.
We treat all information as Secret and will always protect the sources that are helping us in this troublesome investigation.
Thank you all very much!
Sincerely yours,
Pascal Najadi


Present family name:LIM
Forename:YUEN SOO
Date of birth:27/09/1960 (54 years old)
Place of birth:KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
Language spoken:Malay, English, Chinese


Colour of hair:Black

CHARGES Published as provided by requesting entity




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General Secretariat of INTERPOL
This extract of the Red Notice has been approved for public dissemination

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