Monday, July 13, 2015

MY TIME IS OVER: Shahrir Samad says he won't accept Cabinet post if offered

MY TIME IS OVER: Shahrir Samad says he won't accept Cabinet post if offered
KUALA LUMPUR - “No” is the answer that Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) chairman Tan Sri Shahrir Samad will give if offered the position as a member of the Cabinet.
Shahrir was responding to an article by Utusan Malaysia’s Awang Selamat today, that said Shahrir’s name was among those listed to become a minister when the Cabinet was reshuffled, most likely after the Hari Raya celebration.
In an immediate reaction to the matter, Shahrir said that his time was over and the said opportunity should be given to the young leaders.
“I believe I can still contribute effectively to the country even without a position.
“By right, the young leaders should be given the opportunity. If I become part of the Cabinet, the average age of the Cabinet ministers will increase,” said the 66-year-old when contacted by The Rakyat Post today.
Shahrir was the chairman of BNBBC and he was also the Member of Parliament for Johor Baru.
Before this, Shahrir was the Federal Territories’ Minister and in 2008, he was made the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister (KPDNKK).
“As an elderly, I can help plan and execute government policies without having to hold a Cabinet ministerial position.
“I’m happier since I let go of my ministerial post in 2009,” added Shahrir.
He said that through BBNBC, he had the opportunity to directly and indirectly assist in the management of the government policies.
BNBBC chairman Tan Sri Shahrir Samad says his time is over and the alleged Cabinet reshuffle which may see the opportunity of him returning as a minister should instead be given to the young leaders.
“My role as the chairman of BBNBC include coordinating and assisting 79 BN Members of Parliament to ensure that the government policies and strategies can be executed successfully.
“Same goes with my post as the Irda (Iskandar Regional Development Authority) adviser whose role is to provide input, ideas and suggestions for Irda.
“Throughout my time with both BBNBC and Irda, I saw that all my requests and suggestions were taken well.”
Today, Awang Selamat said that Shahrir’s name was among those mentioned to be included in the Cabinet reshuffle which was speculated to take place after Hari Raya this month.
Apart from Shahrir, Awang Selamat also wrote Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal was expected to replace Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan as the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister.
Shafie was currently the Rural and Regional Development Minister. - Therakyatpost

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