Thursday, July 30, 2015

Nasi Lemak & Kopi O comment on new cabinet

The big story will be the dropping of Tan Sri Muhyiddin. There is already voices equating it with past dropping of Tun Musa Hitam and Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. One such voice is Cilisos website here.

One can read Muhyiddin's press conference yesterday in the Mole here.

By evening, there was a big hurrah in the social media over a viral video of Muhyiddin in conversation with Tan Sri Kadir Sheikh Fadzir and Dato Mukriz Mahathir. Frankly, what was said in the 53 second clipping was not anything new and consistent with myriad of sources but there is more than just that. 

Other than Muhyiddin's sacking, there have been many interesting observations and chats heard on the new cabinet. But, missing among the comment is the new cabinet is filled with Tun Abdullah's people after Najib was seen at Pak Lah's open house. Was it to teach Tun Dr Mahathir a lesson?

With his people in, Pak Lah's voice could suddenly be heard. As MMO report here, "Act fast and sort out 1MDB mess, Pak Lah tells new cabinet." 

One immediate accusation by the critical observer is that cabinet reshuffle was a 1MDB cover-up. Four members of PAC was appointed Deputy Ministers and together with new appointments for positions of Attorney General, it was presumed as interfering and delaying the investigation on 1MDB.

As of yesterday morning, viral in the social media were new blogs exposing wrongdoing of Tan Sri Zeti's husband and call for her resignation. Also mentioned were Dato Shukri of MACC.

There is a blog posting reporting on investigation on few personalities for alleged leakages by Special Branch. Since when do SB do criminal investigation?

Quite sure there will be those speculating that yesterday's fire at Bukit Aman was attempt to destroy evidence.

So much for rumours.

Nothing serious also, we would like to make passing comment on the new cabinet. Nothing in depth and serious, just comments over Nasi Lemak and Kopi O:

Finance Minister portfolio remained with Dato Najib. We've been hoping he relinquish the MOF position to someone. It's quite a burdensome position.

Was thinking it would have been better to bring in Dato Wahid Omar as MOF II but it's Najib's call.

Good decision to bring in Dato Johari Gani as Deputy to replace Dato Ahmad Maslan.

The talk of Dato Ahmad Zahid to be appointed Deputy PM over Dato Hishamuddin have been making it's round but the timing is a surprise.

It would have been a better choice to have lawyer like Dato Wan Junaidi as Zahid's Deputy in the Home Ministry. Maybe the purpose is different this time.

With many police and securities people around, Home Minister could be the right place to freeze Nurjazlan's loud mouth shut.

Just kidding. It's just not about 1MDB, ok?

At the PMO, one see the return of Dato Azalina Md Said.

Sure she is tainted but by next election, one can see the return of Ronnie Liew. Hopefully she has repented from her past ways.

Transport remain the same people.

Heath also.

Tourism see the entry of Ketua Puteri UMNO, Datuk Mas Emieyati as Deputy. She is one of the former PAC member. Heard to have strong views.

Defense still same people.

Dato Hishamuddin should be moved on to other strategic positions to prepare him for the future.

Only change is transfer of Datuk Johari Baharum from PMO as new Deputy.

One of two Kedah MB Dato Mukhriz's political nightmare moved up.

MITI have two interesting addition.

The role of trade must be bigger that a Minister II position created for Datuk Ong Ka Chuan. His brother Dato Ong Ka Ting had a role as Special Ambassador to China. Maybe it is related.

Deputy Minister changed from Ledang's Datuk Hamim Samuri to Dato Ahmad Maslan.

Enough said of Mat Maslan but he used to be Tok Pa's political secretary. It's him returning to old boss. Some speculated him to go to Multimedia and Communication or Rural Ministry.

With Muhyiddin leaving, Education is split back into two - Education and Higher Learning.

Dato Mahadzir Khalid came in as new Education Minister. The former Cikgu and former Kedah MB's promotion will be the bigger political headache for Dato Mukhriz.

Viral last night is picture of Dato Ahmad Lebai Sudin with Najib.

P Kamalanathan becomes Deputy, up one notch from Deputy 2.

Energy and Water same people.

Plantation & Industries also.

Agriculture see Dato Ahmad Shabery Cheek taken away from his second stinct as Multimedia and Communication to Agriculture.

He will get guidance from Dato Tajuddin Rahman. Should have replaced this old school old timer. 

Rural and Regional Development goes to Dato Ismail Sabri. Carries with him experience from KPDNKK and Agriculture.

Hope he repair the mess by Shafie. Having spent billions, believed RM7 billion, why are rural folks infrastructure still in a mess?

Could he keep Bera seat for next GE? 

Dato Anifah Aman still at Foreign Affair.

New addition is MP for Kepala Batas, Dato Reezal Merican and the ex-PAC member. 

MOSTI got a new Minister from Sabah. High time for Murut Minister.

Need to beef up this Ministry. R&D funding needed to propel industry.

Woman Ministry still same people.

Works also same people.

Federal Territories also same.

Former MOE II, Dato Idris Jusoh takeover the other half of former MOE.

Deputy Minister still same Cikgu Mary Yapp.

Its for the better. Higher education has different priority than schools.

Same people at Youth and Sports.

Buck up KJ.  

KPDNKK gets new Minister as in former Deputy Foreign Minister, Dato Hamzah Zainuddin.

Tok ... beef up enforcement! Tax dollars lost by the billions and consumers duped everyday!

What happen to those raids on diesel smuggling? Are they being charged???

Minister for Natural Resources and Environment is Sarawak's veteran Dato Wan Junaidi.

Good man. Sacrifice much for PBB. Land for PBB office in Kuching was donated by him.

Great debater in Parliamant for the front bench side. Long long ... overdue for full Ministership.

His Deputy is Datuk Hamim Samuri. Transfered from MITI.  

Communication and Multimedia gets a surprise Minister in Senator Dato Seri Salleh Said Keruak.  

Resigned his Speaker post in Sabah. Used to be Sabah CM for a bit too short a time. 

Careful of Sofia Jane.

Heard this is only phase 1 in beefing up Najib's administration team. There will be more phases to come and quite radical moves. There is no stopping.

Everybody been complaining of Najib as having no balls. You want balls, now you got it. Lots of it. -Another Brick in the Wall

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