Saturday, July 11, 2015


So let us start now. Forcing religion upon others and preventing them from eating is what the Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIL, ISIS, IS, etc., would do. It is not something the PAS progressives would do. The PAS progressives would not force Islam upon you or arrest you for eating during Ramadan.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The news item below is very disturbing. The PAS progressives must condemn JAWI for what is clearly a violation of civil rights. If not then the PAS progressives will be no better than those extremists who support Hudud and an Islamic State.
How can someone be prevented from eating just because that person happens to have been born a Muslim or carry a Muslim name? If that person chose to be a Muslim and converted to Islam and chose his or her name that is another thing. Even then can this person be denied his or her civil liberties?
A person cannot be punished for an accident of birth. No one chose to be born from Muslim parents. The parents did not ask the child whether he or she would like to be a Muslim. The parents just forced the child to attend religious classes and receive indoctrination so that they can be brainwashed into believing that Islam is the correct religion.
We do not want the old Pakatan Rakyat any more. That died today with the announcement by PAS that it has ended its relationship with DAP. DAP also announced the same thing much earlier. They are now going to create Pakatan Rakyat Baru with PAS Baru as its member, which will oppose all forms of religious extremism.
So let us start now. Forcing religion upon others and preventing them from eating is what the Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIL, ISIS, IS, etc., would do. It is not something the PAS progressives would do. The PAS progressives would not force Islam upon you or arrest you for eating during Ramadan.
Non-fasting Muslims throng fast-food and 24-hour restaurants, says JAWI 
Fast-food and 24-hour restaurants have been identified as favourite joints for non-fasting Muslims to get their food during Ramadan.
Federal Territory Islamic Department (JAWI) chief enforcement officer Wan Jaafar Wan Ahmad said the five hotspots are Jalan Semarak, Pusat Bandar Damansara, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Wangsa Maju and Bandar Permaisuri, Cheras.
“They choose to buy and eat in fast-food and 24-hour restaurants as nobody dares to question their actions.
“However, some were brave enough to eat at roadside stalls without feeling embarrassed. They had no respect for Ramadan,” he told Bernama.
Operations conducted since June 18 nabbed 28 individuals for smoking and eating in public and selling food to Muslims, more than the 18 detained last year.
Wan Jaafar said most of those nabbed claimed to be ill, had to take regular medication while some said they missed their sahur (pre-dawn meal).
“Some of them claimed to be construction labourers, drivers traveling on the road and suffering from gastritis.
“We could not be bothered by their reasons as our action was because they did not respect Ramadan by eating in public,” he said.
He said those who sell food said they were just meeting the request of regular customers and also to avoid a reduced income.
Offenders may be prosecuted under the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territory) Act 1997 which provides for maximum jail of six months or a fine of not more RM1,000 or both.

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