Monday, July 13, 2015

Police (PDRM) Facebook page, Twitter account hacked

A screengrab of the hacked police Facebook page.

PETALING JAYA: The official Facebook page and Twitter account of the Malaysian police were hacked Monday afternoon.
The profile picture and cover photo of the Royal Malaysian Police Facebook page was changed to that of the Islamic State.
The cover photo had a picture of a gunman waving the Islamic State flag with the words “Khilafah has returned.”
The profile picture of the police emblem was replaced with an image of an eye with words in Arabic including “Allah” and “Muhammad.”
The hackers had also posted a picture of militants armed with weapons and its caption read VIVA ISLAMIC STATE!
One of its updates was “We are : Mauritania Attacker - AnonxoxTn - StingerByte - Mr.Domoz - Th3Falcon - HusseiN98D - Dr'SaMiM-008 - n0name-haxor - hAxOr tr0jAn - BillGate - Mr.Ajword - Extazy007 - Psyco_Hacker - Black Cracker - Virusa Worm - Donnazmi - X-Wanted - De_Reb0rNz - Tunisian Cracker - L'APoca-Dz - Psyf3r – Vortex.”
It also posted an update saying “#AnonGhost was here.”
Previous media reports have stated that AnonGHost is a group of pro-Palestinian hackers who have, among other things, defaced a United Nations (UN) website.
They also said that they did not have any relationship with the famous hacker group Anonymous.
“AnonGhost is different from Anonymous, we don’t have the same goal and don’t have the same level in hacking.
“We are the sound of the forgotten people, the freedom fighter in the cyberworld and our main target is Sionisme and israhell, if you are asking why your website got hacked by us, its basically because we want to share our message and show the world who we are, we are not looking for fame but we have a goal to achieve we supporte all hackers teams and we supporte all the freedom mouvement in the world. \!/,” they said.
The Twitter page of the police also seemed to be hacked with tweets linking to their Facebook post.
One tweet posted read: “Najib Razak...we are coming to you ....”
That tweet was followed by “Kami nak beri amaran pada menteri amaran....jgn nak bekap2 kazen ko tu...hidup ATM ! hidup Dr.M !” (“We want to give a warning to the minister…don’t backup your cousin…long live ATM ! long live Dr. M!" -Star

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