Sunday, July 12, 2015

Who is the head of the four ‘Tan Sris’ task force, asks Kit Siang

DAP questions how a task force initially comprising three agencies probing into the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal could have morphed into four agencies, and wants to know who is in charge. – The Malaysian Insider pic, July 12, 2015.DAP questions how a task force initially comprising three agencies probing into the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal could have morphed into four agencies, and wants to know who is in charge. – The Malaysian Insider pic, July 12, 2015.
DAP today questioned how a task force initially comprising three agencies probing the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal could have morphed into four agencies, and wanted to know who is heading the panel.
Parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, in a statement today, expressed doubts that even cabinet ministers could tell when the transformation had taken place.
"I don’t think even ministers can tell when this transformation from a three-agency task force turn into four Tan Sris special task force took place and at whose command and authority?
"Or is it headless or do we have a hydra-headed special task force? I don’t think apart from Najib, any one in Cabinet or government can give an answer. What are the terms of reference of this four Tan Sris special task force?" he asked in a statement today.
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported last month that 1MDB funds may have indirectly funded part of prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's campaign in GE13, after the firm bought overpriced power assets from the Genting Group.
Genting then allegedly used part of the proceeds from the sale to make a RM35 million donation to a foundation under Najib, who then promoted projects by this charity during his election campaign, according to WSJ.
On July 2, WSJ reported that some US$700 million (RM2.67 billion) was funnelled into two of Najib's accounts at AmBank in Kuala Lumpur; the largest portion of the money – US$681 million – was transferred to Najib's accounts in March 2013, ahead of the May general election (GE13).
The business daily has since posted documents on the money flow into Najib's accounts on the Internet to support its report.
Najib has denied taking funds for personal gain, but as finance minister and chairman of 1MDB's advisory board, he was under scrutiny over the government-owned firm's opaque dealings and RM42 billion debt incurred in just six years of operations.
Following the exposes, Gani had said a task force comprising the MACC, police and central bank had passed several documents to him in its ongoing probe, including ones connected to allegations that money was transferred into the prime minister's accounts.
Najib had also taken to his blog to say that investigation by the task force was to determine the veracity of WSJ's allegations.
Yesterday, deputy prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin expressed support for the task force, calling all parties to have confidence in the investigative panel.
Lim said today Muhyiddin's statement should ignite more concerns about the purpose, scope, credibility and even composition of the task force.
"When was the latest transformation of the scope of the special task force made? Does Muhyiddin knows what he is talking about? Are the Cabinet Ministers briefed and taken into confidence every time the goal posts of the task force inquiry is changed?" he asked.
The Gelang Patah federal lawmaker pointed out only one person seemed to know about the transformation of the taskforce, stressing that this showed the the unhealthy and undemocratic concentration of powers in Malaysia in one person, namely the prime minister.
"The question 30 million Malaysians want to know is: why is Najib the one and only person responsible for the metamorphosis from the three-agency government probe to four Tan Sris special task force on WSJ report and now wide-ranging powers to investigate all allegations about 1MDB scandal when he is the 'accused' in the investigation?
"Furthermore, what is the purpose of the investigation, whether by the Auditor-General or the Parliamentary's Public Accounts Committee, or are we having a situation where everyone under the Prime Minister is investigating the 1MDB scandal, and nobody, except the Prime Minister himself, would know what is happening to these investigations?" he asked.
He said the rigmarole about the "headless" or hydra-headed four-Tan Sris special task force seemingly subservient to the prime minister should be disbanded and replaced by a high-powered Royal Commission of Inquiry to inquire into all aspects of the 1MDB scandal.
"This is a decision the Cabinet should take at its meeting on Wednesday or all the Cabinet Ministers should collectively resign for failing the Malaysian people and nation," he added.

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