Sunday, July 12, 2015

Will you stand up for M'sia or be DISHONEST SLAVES to Najib, Umno - Zaid asks '4 STOOGES', civil servants

Will you stand up for M'sia or be DISHONEST SLAVES to Najib, Umno - Zaid asks '4 STOOGES', civil servants
KUALA LUMPUR - A former federal minister posed a challenge today to the country’s civil service amid the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) controversy, asking if they would dare to defend the truth or continue to back Putrajaya and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Taking to Twitter to air his views, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said it was now a time of reckoning for the country's “Big Four” civil servants, as they would soon have to choose between remaining mere “slaves” or standing up for Malaysians.
The former de facto law minister did not specify who he meant by the “Big Four” but it is believed to be in reference to the few authorities currently investigating 1MDB.
“Civil servants especially the Big Four can defend Putrajaya (Najib) as suggested by Ismail Sabri and Utusan or they can defend the truth,” Zaid wrote in one post, referring to Umno minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
“Its time of reckoning for these Malays. Do they forever remain as slaves or will they stand up for the country and for the people,” he asked.
In another tweet later, Zaid wrote: “Africans were slaves in new world because they had no choice; some Malays elect to be slaves because they refused to be free.”
Earlier today, Ismail Sabri was quoted in Bernama as saying that civil servants should defend the government against attempts by certain unnamed parties to hurt the administration.
The Big 4 or '4 Stooges' to critics are Attorney General Gani Patail, BNM chief Zeti Aziz, IGP Khalid Bakar and MACC chief Abu Kassin Mohamad
“Government employees also have to be rational and sensitive in their role in disseminating information so that the people are able to get a true picture of the government's seriousness in implementing various development plans,” he reportedly said.
Several agencies are currently investigating the 1MDB controversy.
Last week when reports surfaced in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) claiming that funds from the troubled state investor were deposited into Najib's accounts, a government task force confirmed that it was already investigating the allegations.
The task force comprises the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), the Royal Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
In a press statement yesterday, DAP's Lim Kit Siang asked if the “four Tan Sris” in the task force would dare to independently and professionally carry out the probe on Najib's accounts.
The four are Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, BNM Governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz and the MACC head Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohammed. - Malay Mail

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