Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mahfuz: I'd be betraying the people if I contested under PAS in GE14

PAS' Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar brushed aside his party's announcement that he would be dropped as a candidate in the 14th general election over his friendly ties with Pakatan Harapan.
Mahfuz said even if he was allowed to contest under PAS, he wouldn't have accepted it under the current circumstances.
"I would like to say thank you for not nominating me because even if PAS nominated me, I will not accept it because I will be seen betraying the people," he told Malaysiakini.
Mahfuz said PAS' current strategy would only help BN win and he did not want to be part of that.
"I would reject PAS if it nominated me. If I become a candidate (of a party) that only wants 40 parliamentary seats, it will help BN remain in power," he said.
PAS had indicated that it is aiming to win 40 parliamentary seats on its own.
PKR and Bersatu's attempt to negotiate a pact with PAS has thus far failed.
PAS had insisted it cannot work with PKR or Bersatu as long as they are allied with DAP and Amanah under Harapan.

Mahfuz was coy about whether he will be contesting under Amanah's ticket in the general election.
"That question does not arise today," he said.
Yesterday, Mahfuz was present at Amanah's second national convention in Kedah.
He was joined by three other PAS state assemblypersons, namely Amiruddin Hamzah (Anak Bukit) Mohd Nasir Mustafa (Rotan) and Batu Burok (Syed Azman Syed Nawawi).
This prompted PAS leaders, including its vice president Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, to publicly declare that Mahfuz will be dropped in the next general election.- Mkini

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