Sunday, October 22, 2017


As everyone should know by now, Warisan president DS Shafie Apdal is currently under remand.
His brothers and several others who are close to him had also earlier been detained in the graft probe of RM1,5 billion meant for rural development in Sabah. Some of them are still Umno office bearers.
The case is definitely a blow to Pakatan’s hope of penetrating Sabah, which in my opinion has replaced Johor as the tiang seri of Umno.
Pakatan people have of course denounced Shafie’s arrest and accused the BN government of political prosecution.
I believe many others saw it the same.
They probably asked, if it’s indeed true, why was it that Shafie and gang were not stopped from stealing the money when he was still a minister and vice-president of Umno.
Well, tough question.
However, I think if Shafie did indeed steals the money, then he should face the consequences. Political prosecution or not is besides the point.
RM1,5 billion is a lot of money, okay. And it’s meant for the poor rural folks in Sabah some more.
After all, even Umno people in high office were prosecuted for allegedly stealing money from the rakyat. People such as TS Isa Samad and that Johor exco member Latif Bandi.
Okay, I know some of you will definitely jump and say how about DS Najib Razak whom you all believe had stolen billions of ringgit via 1MDB and other schemes.
I think for that one you all have to be patient and wait for things to fall into place.
If you all feel so strongly about it, you should continue your campaign against Najib so that he could be toppled and then prosecuted. You should also pray for God to give you success in that endeavour.
I believe that if Najib is indeed guilty, God will give you all the satisfaction of seeing him fall and even thrown in jail.

Nonetheless, we still can’t excuse the likes of Shafie if he is later on found to be stealing too.
You can use a thief to catch a thief, but not so if the thief is claiming that he should be the boss after that.
What’s the point in toppling Najib just because we believe he’s a thief only to replace him with another thief?
I believe MACC should be allowed to do its job.
If Shafie is not guilty, I’m confident the prosecutors will not find anything to be used against him.
But if they do….then, that’s just too bad for Pakatan.
What ever it is, the case should remind others in power that they have to be extra careful not to fool around with what’s not theirs, especially when it comes to things and money that belong to the rakyat.
I believe God will somehow punish them if they screwed up their responsibilities on it, one way or another.
This somehow reminds me of my friend who used to be a close aide of former Johor MB TS Abdul Ghani Othman.
He told me that he was so glad that his boss was always proper in doing things that he didn’t have to do anything wrong while discharging his duties.
Despite losing his job after Ghani retires from politics, my friend said he was okay.
“If we do the right things, InsyaAllah there will be rezeki for us. What’s even more important to me is that my conscience is clear and I can now sleep peacefully at night. There’s nothing they can find to get my former boss and me,” he said.
True enough, there were attempts to get some dirts against Ghani and his people right after he left office in 2013 but nothing was found.
An example was when a forensic audit team was sent to the office of Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor (KPRJ) around that time to get evidence implicating Ghani with allegation of stealing rakyat money.
The team found nothing.
Well, if they had found something, I’m quite sure Ghani and probably my friend too would be in jail now.
I even believe those people who wanted to get at Ghani would fabricate something if they felt that would have helped their cause, but for that they have to go through the MACC first.
Thankfully, MACC would not have allowed itself to be manipulated that way.
I’m quite convinced of that.
After all, those people who were after Ghani at that time were very very very powerful.
So, I think MACC is still quite okay.
At least, I don’t think it will take up cases based on false evidence.
Even if it got orders from “up above”, I believe it will investigate the case accordingly and will only act on real evidence.
Therefore, people like Shafie shouldn’t worry if they had never stolen rakyat money.
Pakatan people should also not worry about things such as political prosecution if their leaders are indeed clean from corruption and such things.
Allah would be with them and give them victory over BN if they are on the right path and sincere in saving this country.
Really, I do believe that.
Hmmm….quite intense right.
Never mind.
You all relax and enjoy this clip from a heartbreaking movie and the song which goes with it.
Be cool.

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