Tuesday, October 1, 2019

UEC panel chief positive over report, depressed over racialisation

Unified Examination Certificate task force chief Eddin Khoo, who will submit a summary finding on the education qualification used by Chinese independent schools to the government soon, said he is positive about the report, which provides context on a highly politicised issue.
At the same time, Khoo (photo) also lamented the tendencies of Malaysians to racialise issues.
"I am very positive and very depressed at the same time (about the findings).
"I am very positive in the sense that I think a lot of issues have been resolved. There is a real context provided for the UEC issue, which has been going on for so long and been highly politicised.

"I'm depressed that Malaysian society still wants to racialise everything. There is no real national consciousness in resolving our issues.
"I am also feeling depressed because the issue is reflective of how Malaysians are giving out a culture of victimology - every community here feels they are being victimised. There is no togetherness (kemuafakatan) in dealing with serious fundamental issues," Khoo said.
The task force's finding is intended to guide the government on its future policy with regard to the UEC.
Khoo is a writer and cultural conservationist. He is also the son of the late historian Khoo Kay Kim, who helped draft the Rukun Negara.
Two other members of the task force are Angkatan Belia Islam (Abim) president Mohamad Raimi Abdul Rahim and Dong Zong deputy chairperson Tan Yew Sin.
Khoo said his personal view is for the task force’s final findings to be made public.
"Whether they (the government) want to make it public, it is up to them. But I have personally asked them to make it public.
"I urged the government to do it because I think one will be able to see how deep the issue is with the transcripts (in the final report).
"It's a very big report. In the end, it will be close to 30,000 words, with all the transcripts and everything. Just give us a bit of time to comprehensively conclude everything," Khoo said.
He said the interviews were compiled from town hall sessions with all the stakeholders, including youths.
Covering all perspectives
Khoo said the task force looked at UEC as education and intellectual issues but their report covers all perspectives.
"We looked at it as an education and intellectual issue, that's what it is.
“All perspectives are covered - the economy, what is best for the students, what is the future for education, the main findings here are that our national education has to get serious about itself," he said.
Khoo said the task force will subsequently engage with MPs on the matter.
He also urged the media to play its role in explaining tough issues instead of getting quotes from politicians who, he said "are winning" more on this issue.
"The media should be actually setting the tone of the debate," he said.
Giving his personal evaluation, Khoo said the majority of the people are sensible and intelligent but the attention is being given to the loudest interest groups.
“You present an issue to them, they know how to evaluate it and know how to look at all dimensions.
"But the people who have the loudest voices are all these interest groups. They are the ones who shout the loudest, so they are getting all the attention.
"Throughout the country, there are many moderate and sensible people who only talk when they're asked to talk," Khoo added. - Mkini

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