Tuesday, June 22, 2010

GAS takes a new approach in next gathering [video]

The movement against S Samy Vellu has not run out of gas yet. The leaders of the Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS) have come up with another plan: they will hold their next gathering at the Klang Hamzah Hall on July 4.

It will be held from 2pm till 6pm with the theme: “Dawn for the Indian Community”.

This time around, the approach will be different. One of its coordinators, KP Samy, said the gathering will not focus on personal attacks against anyone.

“In this upcoming gathering, we are going to allow the participants to decide our next course of action,”said KP Samy. Also present were his allies G Kumar Aamaan, V Mugilan and V Barath Maniam.

“We will only give brief speeches. From then on, we will allow the participants to voice out their feelings and decide what we should do next.”

KP Samy said there are three courses of action which the members can consider:

“They can decide whether we should stick with the Barisan Nasional, use another platform to get our voices heard or just retire and fade away.”

He added that what matters most is that the interest of the Indian community should be safeguarded.

Anti-Samy Vellu posters

On June 10, Mugilan announced that the planned GAS gathering on June 13 was postponed due to safety concerns. He also said the new gathering will take place in three weeks' time.

Asked whether he is concerned that certain “troublemakers” may disrupt the gathering, KP Samy said even they too will be given an avenue to voice out their feelings.

When asked how many people are expected to attend the next gathering, he refused to comment.

“However, allow me to say that some top-level Hindraf leaders will be attending as well,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mugilan said that he is going to distribute 500,000 anti-Samy Vellu posters across the country.

“It has two simple messages. One is to urge the MIC party president to step down soon and the other is to save Maju Institute of Education Development assets, worth RM1 billion, from Samy Vellu's hands.”

“The message is conveyed in Malay, English, Tamil and Mandarin.”

Breaking ranks from his other fellow GAS members, Mugilan said he will support BN even if the participants in the next gathering urge him to use another platform.

“Though we are in the same movement, we have our own individual paths and my path will always be alongside BN,” he added.

Watch video here:

courtesy of FreeMalaysiaToday

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