Thursday, June 24, 2010

Khairy is 'stupid', says Ibrahim

Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali has trained his gun, this time, on Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, calling him “stupid” for defending MCA Youth head Wee Ka Siong.

He said Khairy did not detect the underlying meaning of Wee's statements when the latter asked if the government would reduce the number of Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) scholarships following plans to scrap Public Service Department (PSD) scholarships.

“Khairy is smart but at the same time stupid for not seeing through Wee's statements,” he said.

The verbal spat between Wee and Ibrahim started when the former urged the government not to do away with PSD scholarships.

Wee had also reportedly said on June 16 that scrapping PSD scholarships went against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's 1Malaysia concept.

Ibrahim had accused Wee of questioning Malay rights by dragging Mara into the controversy.

“As far as Perkasa is concerned, we spoke the truth. We do not play politics, saying one thing today and another thing the next day.

“We stick to our stand regarding Wee’s statement on the PSD: we consider it racial.

“Leaders must have credibility and high moral because nobody will trust those who have credibility problem... ” he said.

Khairy had defended Wee, saying that Ibrahim was making a “ridiculous” fuss over nothing.

Taking a swipe at Khairy, Ibrahim said it was a pity that the Umno Youth chief did not have the capability to read “in between the lines” of Wee’s statement.

He quoted a Malay proverb to describe Khairy: “Cerdik tak boleh diajar, bodoh tak boleh ditegur (smart but do not want to learn, stupid but do not want to listen to comments).”

“I will continue to speak out and I do not care what others say,” he said.

courtesy of FMT

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