Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Malware bug bugging Malaysiakini readers

Since Saturday, May 19, Malaysiakini has been alerted to reports that certain readers have been receiving a warning from their anti-virus software whenever they visit

The alert warns the reader that Malaysiakini may be linked to an infected URL identified as ''

"Malaysiakini's Tech Team, however, has done extensive checks on our website and we have not found any sector containing this offending URL," said Malaysiakini's CEO, Premesh Chandran today.

"We would, therefore, like to assure our readers that theMalaysiakini website is not infected by any virus and there is no risk to users reading Malaysiakini with regards to private subscriber information."

Chandran said it is believed the minor problem originated from a third-party banner/advertising service that automatically loads various advertising banners on the Malaysiakini website.

"Because we cannot as yet confirm the source of this irritant,Malaysiakini will disable all third-party banners on our site starting today. We believe this will solve the problem once and for all," said Chandran.

By noon tomorrow

He requested that readers e-mail malware@malaysiakini.comshould they continue to receive similar virus alerts after 12 noon tomorrow.

"We hope that by then, all the various anti-virus software platforms used by our readers would have updated their virus alert databases and removed Malaysiakini's site.

"And if there are technologists out there who could assist us in nailing down this bug, do please e-mail us at above address," said Chandran, adding Malaysiakini wished to apologise to all readers for the inconvenience caused.

courtesy of Malaysiakini

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