Sunday, June 27, 2010

Perkasa and Khairy on collision course

The war of words between Malay rights group Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin shows no sign of abating.

NONEIn Kota Bharu yesterday, Ibrahim ((left in photo, with Wee, right) said Perkasa existence was the result of the void left by Umno Youth, which is weakening because of Khairy's leadership.

This was among Ibrahim's smarting remarks, while responding to Khairy's insult that the former was a jaguh kampung (village hero) whose racist rhetoric was working against the government's 1Malaysia policy.

Apparently unperturbed with the remarks, Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia reported that Ibrahim welcomed the remarks because he understood Malay grassroots grouses better than the overseas-born Khairy.

“I am happy (with Khairy's comments) because I was born with the mosquitoes in the village and not born in Kuwait, what more being educated in Oxford,” said Ibrahim.

Ibrahim also again flayed Khairy for defending MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong's appeal to the government to reconsider plans to scrap for Public Service Department scholarships, which is applicable to non-bumiputeras, while maintaining Mara scholarships, which are exclusive to bumiputeras.

“Why is he suddenly defending Wee when it was clear that the MCA leader was questioning Malay special rights? I'm sure the papers didn't make a mistake.

“I want to ask what was Khairy's position when Nasir Safar, the political secretary to the prime minister, and Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail were criticised publicly because they were defending the Malays?”

Village thug

Ibrahim also sarcastically suggested that Khairy be made the permanent representative to the United Nations because “only he understands globalisation”.

NONEKhairy (left) retorted through Twitter postings this morning by invoking memories of Ibrahim's shockingly vulgar remarks during aninterview with a satellite news channel Al Jazeera in March.

“I thank Ibrahim for his confidence in me when recommending me as Malaysia ambassador to the UN. At least I won't talk sh*t on Al Jazeera,” wrote Khairy, poking fun at Ibrahim's limited command of English.

Khairy decide to pour even more fuel into the fire by changing Ibrahim's tack from jaguh kampungto, in the latter's native Kelantanese tongue, a gedebe oportunis (opportunistic gangster).

“Without PAS support, he would have lost in his own kampung of Pasir Mas... just like how he lost his deposit in the 2005 by-election.

“He is an enemy of 1Malaysia. 'Jaguh kampung' is too respectable a term for him,” added Khairy.

courtesy of Malaysiakini

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