Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Press Statement by LDP Deputy President Datuk Chin Su Phin

"Sabah BN is not being led with justice and we in the LDP have been tolerating this unfairness for too long now"

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) deputy president Datuk Chin Su Phin fully supports party secretary-general Datuk Teo Chee Kang's recent call for the removal of OKK Hj Harun Bidin as Kudat district chief.

He said Hj Harun had breached his position because the latter has no power or jurisdiction in sacking the eight Ketua Kampungs and Native Chief Representatives (WKAN) in Tanjung Kapor constituency.

Hj Harun, who was appointed by the Chief Minister to the post before the last general election in January 2008, "is in Kota Kinabalu most of the time and rarely goes back to Kudat," Chin contended yesterday.

During the 2008 general election, Chin said Hj Harun called all the Ketua Kampungs in Tanjung Kapur to support and vote for an independent candidate.

"His (Hj Harun) action is detrimental to the Barisan Nasional (BN). He is a 'traitor' to the BN."

Chin added that LDP had reported Hj Harun to Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman and the then Prime Minister in 2008 but no action has been taken against him until today.

"We have the evidence and will disclose them when the right time comes. The BN leadership should not protect such a person," he cautioned in a statement.

Chin also refuted the reasons given by Hj Harun in sacking the eight Ketua Kampungs and WKAN.

"From what I was told, Hj Harun had forced the Ketua Kampungs amd WKAN to do something that was against the BN's principle but they refused, so he terminated their services in revenge."

"But he is merely a district chief with no power to sack or appoint, so like what YB Teo has stated, someone big was behind all this," Chin contended. However, he was informed that Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Hj Noor was not involved.

Chin said LDP supported Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman's call for the BN leaders to cooperate with each other and stated that "it is not LDP's intention to attack other BN component parties."

He lamented however that at times even the BN leadership did not do what they preached.

"There are evidence certain people are bent on destroying LDP. What really dissapointed us is that everytime we bring the matter with the BN leadership, the answer given to us is 'we will look into it' and we're fed up with this," said Chin.

He also backed Teo's demand for the sacking of Hj Harun as the Kudat district chief with immediate effect.

"Sabah BN is not being led with justice and we in the LDP have been tolerating this unfairness for too long now," said Chin, urging the Prime Minister to make changes in Sabah BN leadership to ensure BN's victory in the next general election.

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