Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Anwar: Umno threatened by Pakatan's popularity

The Umno leadership is threatened by Pakatan Rakyat's increased popularity, said Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, in the wake of recent accusations that his coalition is causing disunity among the Malays and weakening their political influence.

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had described Anwar'sapology to the US Jewish community for using the term 'Zionist' as an act of betrayal that had caused a split among the Malays.

NONE"Our coalition threatens the Umno leadership. But the Malays, Ibans, Kadazans and everyone else will have more rights," said Anwar (left).

"Indeed the fate and rights of Malays will be given more attention as our policies are clear - to improve economic standards, wipe out corruption and eradicate poverty, as the Umno leaders have failed to tackle these issues," he said.

Anwar added the desperate campaign launched by the Umno leadership to create a sense of insecurity and fear among the Malays, was based on pure fabrication and meant to defend the power of the minority elite - the Umno leaders, their family members and their cronies.

The Permatang Pauh parliamentarian reiterated that Pakatan Rakyat policies clearly define "the rights of the Malay majority" and (they are) not to enrich a few cronies.

courtesy of Malaysiakini

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