Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bala's answers to MACC to be delivered Thursday

Private investigator P Balasubramaniam's answers to written questions from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will be delivered by Thursday, said his lawyers.

americk siva pc 040708 02Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu (right) said senior counsel Manjeet Singh Dhillon will bring the answers, in the form of a statutory declaration (SD), when he returns to Malaysia from London.

Manjeet was scheduled to deliver the SD at a meeting between the parties scheduled for today, but the lawyer's return was delayed due to an alleged break-in at his house, during which his laptop was stolen.

“I have serious concerns that attempts might be made by interested parties to interfere with the contents of my laptop and fabricate material.” said Manjeet.

He has since indicated in a statement that he will be returning “immediately”.

Manjeet has been in London since early this month, to advise Bala on the MACC's initial plan to interview the controversial private investigator in the British capital, over his two earlier SDs on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and murdered Mongolian interpreter Altantuya Shariibuu.

The MACC subsequently changed its mind and couriered its questions to Americk instead, asking for Bala's written reply.

In the meantime, French investigators took the opportunity tospeak with Bala in connection with their probe into the Malaysian Defence Ministry's purchase of two Scorpene submarines, built by French company DCNS.

Sources close to Bala say he is now in India.

courtesy of Malaysiakini

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