Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Candidates emerge in battle for Sabah PKR division posts

Malaysia Chronicle

Challengers have emerged in the race for division positions at Sabah PKR, where contestants are expected to declare their candidacy anytime from now ahead of internal polls in September.

Almost all the 25 division heads can expect to be challenged as Sabahans push for new blood and change. Two exceptions may be Jeffrey Kitingan in Keningau and Ansari Abdullah in Tuaran, where they are viewed as too entrenched to be unseated for now.

But of interest are Penampang and Kota Kinabalu, currently headed by Dr Roland Chia and Christina Liew respectively.

“You can say these are the two most urban centers and if change comes to Sabah, it will go there first. That’s why everyone is watching to see what happens in the two divisions,” a PKR source told Malaysia Chronicle.

New blood

Penampang is a vibrant town that has become a suburb of sprawling Kota Kinabalu, the capital city of Sabah state. It has a majority Kadazan-Dusun population, while KK has a more mixed demography of Chinese and Kadazan-Dusun-Murut and Bajaus.

Party sources tell Malaysia Chronicle that at least two grassroots leaders – Darrell Leiking and Brett Chua have indicated their interest to go for Penampang.

In Kota Kinabalu, speculation is rife that PKR Sabah communications director Ronnie Klassen will challenge supreme council member Christina for her long-held post.

All three men have declined to confirm, although Ronnie’s aide has said he may issue a statement soon.

Darrell is a lawyer who comes from a political family. His father was a former minister in the state cabinet. Brett is another well-known face in Penampang. He is a businessman who runs one of the largest retail supermarkets in the bustling town. Both men are in their late 30s-early 40s.

Whilst Ronnie, a businessman turned full-time politician, operates the popular Putt For Change blog. He will also be launching the Pakatan Friends movement on July 24, aimed at uniting young East Malaysians into a voting force for reforms in the 13th general election.

Meanwhile, Penampang incumbent Roland is expected to throw his hat into the ring. He is also in his late 30s-early40s and is currently holding the post as Acting Head. Party stalwarts expect a thrilling three-corner fight, but do not discount the possibility of more candidates emerging in the weeks ahead.

The slightly-reserved Christina is popular with federal leaders, but a stiff challenge is on the cards. Apart from Ronnie, a few others may also contest her KK division head’s post.

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