Sunday, July 4, 2010

Combustible start to 'GAS 2' rally

About 350 people gathered at the Dewan Hamza hall in Klang today for the second Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS) rally to campaign for MIC chief S Samy Vellu to step down.

From the very outset, however, it looked like the event would not be smooth-sailing, given the arrival also of about 50 members of Klang MIC. An MIC leades had yesterday said a protest gathering would be held against the rally against their party president.

gas 2 rally 040710 crowd 1True enough, a shouting match start about half-hour after the start of the rally at 2pm between the gatecrashers and GAS supporters.

As police officers persuade the MIC supporters to leave, other police personnel ringed all entrances to the hall.

The MIC supporters initially refused, saying, "If we leave, everybody has to leave!"

They added that they did not want anyone to speak against Samy Vellu. As tensions increased, however, with the GAS crowd shouting for the police to throw out or arrest the MIC supporters, the police escorted several MIC supporters and their leaders out of the hall.

Some, however, stayed behind to observe the proceedings.

Hired thugs

Earlier, GAS leaders V Mugilan and KP Samy held a press conference, and accused Samy Vellu of being a gangster who disrupts peaceful rallies using hired thugs.

The gathering was earlier scheduled to have been held on June 13, but was postponed due to 'security factors'.

Selangor MIC Youth chief M Shanker Raj Ayenger had said the
movement, in the party wing's national annual general assembly today, would decide whether to hold a protest against the gathering.

He lodged a report at the Klang police headquarters yesterday to protest against the GAS gathering.

courtesy of Malaysiakini

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