Friday, July 9, 2010

Do you understand NOW? (Sekarang faham, tak?)

Hey, no need to investigate the lawyers. The lawyers are not paying for private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s expenses here in London. I am, together with Deepak Jaikishan who has given Bala RM750,000 thus far.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Abu Hamza wins appeal against extradition to US

London Evening Standard

Radical cleric Abu Hamza today won a reprieve from European Court judges because a long jail term may breach his human rights.

Hook-handed Hamza is being held in top security Belmarsh prison after being convicted of inciting murder and racial hatred. The US is seeking his extradition on terrorism charges.

But today Strasbourg judges at the European Court of Human Rights halted the extradition of both Hamza and British detainee Babar Ahmad.

The court said the possible length of the US jail terms they faced — life without parole in a “supermax” prison — raised concerns about breaches of the European human rights code on torture and inhuman or degrading treatment.

They gave the Government until 2 September to submit observations. Hamza, 51, was jailed on 11 charges at the Old Bailey in February 2006. Extradition of the Egyptian-born preacher was approved by then-Home Secretary Jacqui Smith in February 2008.

He faces charges in the US of funding terrorism, organising a terrorist training camp in Oregon and conspiring to take westerners hostage in Yemen. His lawyers say the evidence was gathered through torture and fear he would suffer the same. Hamza was imam of the Finsbury Park mosque until he was dismissed in 2003.

Computer expert Ahmad, 36, has been held in jail without trial since August 2004 on a US extradition warrant. He is accused of running US-registered websites from his home, conspiracy to support the Taliban and Chechen Mujahideen and conspiracy to kill in a foreign country.

Ahmad was arrested at his Tooting home in December 2003 on suspicions that he was connected to al Qaeda. By the time he reached the police station he had 73 injuries and was released without charge six days later. British nationals Haroon Rashid Aswat and Seyla Talha Ahsan have also been granted more time before US extradition.


Okay, have you read the above? And now do you understand what I have been saying all this while? It is not so easy to extradite someone from the UK, even if that person is a confirmed terrorist and a danger to society and a threat to national security. And I am but a cute, innocent Blogger who is no danger to anyone save those corrupted leaders and politicians and those who walk in the corridors of power who abuse their power and authority.

So, do you think you can extradite me from the UK? Well, why not try?

The trouble is, these Umno types think that they are above the law and that they can impose their will on anyone they so wish regardless of the law. As I said in my ‘coming out’ speech last month: come and get me here in the UK. Here in the UK we have a level playing field. You can’t keep moving the goalposts halfway through the game like you do in Malaysia.

Now that they can’t get me they are trying to intimidate and frighten my friends. They hope that by frightening those who still keep in touch with me they can isolate me. And in the event I depend on these people for my financial support I can now be squeezed.

They are also trying to intimidate the lawyers. They want the Inland Revenue Department to investigate the lawyers to see where their money comes from and whether they have declared this income and paid taxes on it. Maybe they think that since the only way the US government could nail Al Capone was through tax evasion then they might as well try this on the lawyers and see what happens.

Hey, no need to investigate the lawyers. The lawyers are not paying for private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s expenses here in London. I am, together with Deepak Jaikishan who has given Bala RM750,000 thus far.

In fact, I paid for Bala’s expenses in cash and in front of not only all the lawyers but with a few other witnesses present as well. I just wanted it on record that Raja Petra Kamarudin is paying for Bala’s trip to London and Paris -- so no need to harass anyone else.

Anyway, even if other people are paying Bala and/or me money, so what? That is not a crime. Even if they meet me (and/or Bala) here in London, that is also not a crime. What’s that I hear? I am a fugitive Blogger?

Hello, when was I ever convicted of any crime? There are not even any charges hanging over my head. I have already been discharged not amounting to an acquittal lah, brader!

The police said that the court has issued two warrants of arrest against me. For what crime? What are the charges? They also said they have asked Interpol to look for me. A manhunt has been launched, they say. Is that so?

Well, I spoke to Interpol and they said: no such thing. And if you need to confirm this then go here:

A check with Scotland Yard revealed the same thing. So what manhunt? What arrest warrant? What fugitive Blogger are they talking about? So why is it wrong, therefore, for anyone to meet me here in the UK? And what is wrong even if they give me money?

By the way, Bukit Aman hacked my e-mail and downloaded all my correspondences and is using that to ‘nail’ me. Is that not a crime? The so-called documents, which MP Zahrain Hashim said he has given the authorities, are actually details of my e-mail that they broke into. They then doctored the e-mail to ‘prove’ that some people are giving me money.

Firstly, hacking my e-mail is a crime. Secondly, doctoring my e-mail to fabricate evidence against me is a crime. So who is the criminal here? Me, or Zahrain and his handlers in Bukit Aman?

And what is Zahrain doing playing footsies with Bukit Aman anyway? They gave him the contents of my e-mail, which have been doctored. Then he hands the documents back to the police as if he somehow came across them by accident and is now giving them to the police as evidence.

Main wayang. Kerja budak sekolah.

Sure, print out my e-mail. Use that as ‘evidence’ against me. Then explain how you managed to hack my e-mail to procure this so-called ‘evidence’. Remember what happened to President Nixon and the Watergate break-in team? Flash my e-mail contents and let us see Googlegate explode. I will file an official complaint with Google that the Malaysian government hacked my e-mail and has openly admitted doing so.

Come on Zahrain. Make my day. Reveal all those documents that you have -- the doctored contents of my e-mail. I am also waiting to hit you below the belt on some of your personal stuff here in the UK. Oh, and yes, I am monitoring your movements here in the UK as well. And I have a little surprise waiting for you.

People who live in glasshouses should not throw stones, my friend. Remember Kevin Morais, the MACC prosecutor who is trying to fix up lawyer Rosli Dahlan? And remember we tracked him all the way to his gay lover’s home here in the UK? By the way, Kevin is the ‘woman’ in this relationship.

So no one is safe, my friend. You too have a lot of shit. And we too have tracked your shit, all the way to your son taking flying lessons here in the UK.

Oh, by the way, who is financing you for your son's flying lessons? These lessons are not cheap, you know. And we know you can’t afford to pay for them unless you are corrupted and are taking bribes.

So you see, jangan cuba korek rahsia tentang mana orang lain dapat duit. Once we start to korek where you are getting your money from, and how you can afford to pay for your very expensive lifestyle, then you pulak susah nanti.

Khairy Jamaluddin wants to declare war on me as well? Well, then bring it on, brader. You want to reveal a crime -- then let us reveal a crime. Do you want to know what real crimes are? Real crimes are selling nuclear components to rogue states like Libya.

One more word from Khairy and the shit is going to hit the fan. I will publish here in Malaysia Today the evidence of his family’s involvement in terrorist activities. These will be Home Ministry documents marked RAHSIA. Then let us see who gets extradited. The US would probably be filing extradition papers against the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi family rather than Malaysia filling extradition papers against RPK.

Nak lawan, mari kita lawan. Lawan tetap lawan. Lawan sampai tumbang. Berani tak? Baruah!

courtesy of

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