Friday, July 2, 2010

Dr M warns Malays of 'labourer, chauffeur' future

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has warned the Malays that they could end up as labourers or chauffers if the political equation changes.

In his latest blog posting, the 84-year-old former Umno president lamented that the Malays are not united about their future.

“I am happy that the majority are united in opposing gambling for non-Muslims. Be it from the government or opposition, they agree that gambling is 'haram' (prohibited) for non-Muslsims as well.

“They are also united in their stand against the violence perpetrated by Israel on Palestine. But unfortunately, they are not on the same page when it comes to their future,” he said.

For them, he added, there is no way that the Malays, who make up about 60% of the population, could ever become a minority in this country.

Open up the immigration checkpoints

However, Mahathir warned that many things could happen in the future, like the immigration policy being changed by unscrupulous leaders.

“All that needs to be done is to open up the immigration gates, and the percentage (in terms of Malays being the majority) would change,” he said.

The former premier added that prior to 1930 under British rule, the number of Malays was fewer than the other races.

Mahathir also pointed out that there is no guarantee that the coming government would keep the current immigration policy in place.

In an obvious attack on Anwar Ibrahim, he said there are some Malays who are “mad” about becoming prime minister and would do anything or make all sorts of promises to ensure this.

“Seeing how easy it is for leaders who bribe to obtain victory and how cheaply votes can be bought, the immigration gates may also be opened by the leaders who secure their posts through corruption.

“It would be fine if the Malays are capable of competing by the time the influx happens. But I am worried that the majority who are incapable would become labourers and chauffeurs,” he said.

And with his trademark sarcasm, Mahathir added: “It's okay. Is it so bad to become labourers and chauffeurs?”

courtesy of FMT

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