Thursday, July 22, 2010

MP shows proof of minors at new palace building site

Segambut parliamentarian Lim Lip Eng has produced evidence that children are living at the new palace construction site directly contradicting the claim by the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) that there are no minors at the work site.

NONEShowing photos taken during his visit to the site on June 21 and 24 with journalists, Lim (left)said he had seen two infants and a toddler aged around two years living there with their Indonesian parents who worked on site.

"But the workers told us that there are about 10 more babies of a few months age living there too," he told a press conference at his service centre this morning.

NONE"Now that the matter is public, I hope Suhakam will contact me immediately to assist them in further investigations," Lim added.

The new evidence refutes Suhakam's earlier claim that they found no children during their official on-site inspection on July 15. The inspection was held to investigate claims that workers at the new palace site were not being paid by the sub-contractors.

Commissioner Muhammad Sha'ani Abdullah, after conducting the inspection on Tuesday, had said the commission did not see any children on site.

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