Monday, July 5, 2010

No apology over Felda issue, says PKR MPs

PKR is standing firm on the Felda issue. There will be no public apology, instead they will fight it out in court.

This was the reaction of PKR MPs to the notice of demand from Felda asking for a public apology and RM200 million in damages over an article in the PKR newsletter, Suara Keadilan, alleging the government agency was bankrupt.

According to The Star, Selangor PKR head Mohd Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak), who is alsoPKR_vicepresidentsparty vice-president, said they would not apologise for the report.

R. Sivarasa (PKR - Subang), who is also PKR vice-president, added, "We will stand up to what we have said in Suara Keadilan."

The two PKR leaders held a press conference at the Parliament lobby Monday on the issue.

Suara Keadilan was given a notice of demand by Felda on July 1 to respond within two weeks.

Felda, through its lawyers, also named Suara Keadilan publisher Syarikat Pelita Koridor Sdn Bhd and printer Syarikat Percetakan NPK Sdn Bhd in the notice of demand.

The allegation, printed in the Suara Keadilan issue dated June 22-29 June and entitled "Felda Bangkrap (Felda Bankrupt), had caused "serious reputation damage", the notice said.

courtesy of MM

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