Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Poser over directive to fuel stations to use CIMB

KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 (Harakahdaily) - A revelation by PAS vice president Salahuddin Ayub about a directive for all fuel-related trade transactions to go through CIMB Bank has raised eyebrows as such a deal could have been reached between two siblings at the cost of others.

In a press conference, Salahuddin said he received several complaints from Petronas station operators unhappy over the new directive as they were forced to open bank accounts with CIMB before the end of August to facilitate their business transactions.

CIMB is headed by prime minister Najib Razak's brother, Nazir Razak (pic), who is its Chief Executive Officer.

“Why is Najib doing this? This is the crazy work of Najib to use his power to enrich his brother. To me, this is a blatant abuse by Najib for the sake of his cronies,” said the Kubang Kerian member of parliament.

Salahuddin further revealed that CIMB will charge a fee of RM10 for every 1,000 units of cash transaction and RM1 for subsequent 100 units.

However, according to a Petronas kiosk operator who spoke to Harakahdaily, the auto-debit system through CIMB had already been in operation since July 1. He alleged that the new system had caused a lot of inconvenience to petrol station operators as they were required to maintain two saving accounts.

“Petronas stations started to use the system since July 1. This system has created a lot of problems for operators who have been forced to open two bank accounts – one with Maybank to pay the supplier and credit cards and another one with CIMB to pay for the oil,” he said, under condition of anonymity.

He also added that credit card transactions normally done through Maybank would now have to be done through CIMB.

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