Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Purge not whitewash Malaysia's misdeeds

J D Lovrenciear

LETTER The nation holds its breath as the clock ticks by the minute. We have rafted extreme challenges these past years in our battles against the many episodes that have held us back from knowing the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Today, the single most important truth that must surface and be quickly dealt with are the ugly allegations surrounding our present Prime Minister and his spouse. And along with that is the way we went about in the purchase of the two submarines.

All other matters of tainted wheeling and dealing, numerous accounts of misappropriation of public funds, squandering of the nation's wealth, corruption and abuses of power as well as the numerous accounts of human rights abuses and punishment without fair trials - all these allegations can only be effectively dealt with once we can come out of the Altantuya's murder saga clean and free.

The media meanwhile has a CSR role to fulfill. And towards this end, it must have the courage and conviction to set aside its economic obligations and champion social restructuring in these trying times.

Unless and until a society is free from the bondage of wastage and abuses, it does not make good business sense to merely be manipulated by the powers that be. True and fair reporting without losing sight of their social obligation is a categorical imperative during this trying period of the nation.

The time has come for Malaysia to purge itself of all the many allegations and affirmations of scandalous greed and power abuses. It is not the time to merely whitewash and make believe that we are okay.

Meanwhile, citizens must have the courage to seek out the truth. We must demand the truth. We must stand for the truth. Yes the price to pay may never be small as history teaches us. But the rewards for the good of this nation - its king, citizens and all our generations to come, is far too crucial to discount.

We must come together. Not be subjected into diabolic divisions by race, color, creed or political affiliations and ideologies. BN should set the example by collaborating with every citizen - be they leaders, political parties, NGOs and anyone desirous of the truth and nothing but the whole truth.

Truly, it is now or never - to purge and not whitewash. Only then can we continue to build our forgotten legacy of the 'Rising Tiger'.

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