Thursday, July 8, 2010

RPK - The P. Balasubramaniam press conference


Raja Petra Kamarudin

After private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s press conference yesterday, instead of writing my report, I went to Queensway for lunch and in the evening I went to see ‘We will rock you’ at the Dominion theatre.

I thought I would allow 24 hours or so to pass before I write my report because I wanted to see what the others have to say first. Well, most have reported about one minute of the 100-minute press conference. And most talk about just one point of the so many points that were raised in the press conference.

Mind you, this one point about Razak Baginda not being guilty of the murder of Altantuya is merely Bala’s personal opinion, and he said so. But those who covered the press conference prefer talking about this one point, which is Bala’s personal opinion. They totally ignored the so many other issues about events and happenings before, during and after Altantuya’s murder.

I think an injustice has been done, not only to Bala and his lawyers who put so much preparation into this press conference, but also to all those Malaysians who had been waiting with bated breath and had expected much more than just one statement -- an opinion about whether Razak Baginda is guilty or not.

It could be because those sent to cover the press conference were part-time or freelance reporters who were probably there covering the press conference for the extra income and because there was nothing better to do anyway. This may explain the quality of the report, or rather the lack of it.

Anyway, as I said, instead of writing my report on the press conference, I went to this awesome musical at the Dominion, and boy, it totally blew my mind.

My daughter admitted she had not heard most of The Queen’s songs before and I told her that this was in the days when they made real music and not those stuff that you hear on the radio nowadays.

Anyway, I will start writing my report now and in a couple of hours you can read what was said at the P. Balasubramaniam press conference yesterday -- the 99 other minutes that the other news agencies and sites appear not interested to report about.

courtesy of

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