Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A sample of how our Sarawak Minister’s mind work

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today


Sarawak Government Ministers has a way to deal with feedback given from those outside the Government and of those in the Government but outside Sarawak. The Sarawak Government always accused the person giving the feedback as “people with ill intention” and that most of the time the feedback is “not constructive”.

What does that tell you? It tells you that the Government Ministers is self righteous, poor ability to handle criticism, all these and others are symptoms of an autocratic government. It is inward looking, it is exclusive in nature and most of all, it is self serving. You can see all these traits in our Government today.

Look at the State Government response to Dayak Penan rape, the MACC report that stated that 60% of development fund is misdirected etc. The State Government has a habit of “denial” and that is one reason why Sarawak cannot progress as it refuses to accept factual feedback.

The ability to change

The Government would keep on telling the people that they have no ability to change. If you see certain posting in Dayakbaru weblog you will see a certain posting that “praise” an unknown survey result as gospel truth. Do you know the moron intention? It is to tell us that Sarawakian are fools and therefore do not have the ability or will to change. Is that so?

Orchid Garden

It is great for Sarawak tourism. But the Tourism Minister said improvement should be made as those in Malaya are by far much better and that Sarawak should work toward setting a new bench mark. Numb skull Minister in the Chief Minister Department could not even understand the reason of Minister Ng Yen Yen comment. It was a constructive comment to challenge Sarawak to be the best. Believe you me that the orchid garden must have cost Sarawak a bomb. We cannot dismiss rampant corrupt practices in Sarawak because that is the way the Government work. Get rich through corruption.

Sarawakian – Change WE Must. We must stop this corruption as it is the worst crime that is sanction and practice by our Government of today. Corruption can only destroy our nation. Taib property and business is a shining example.

Sarawak Chief minister’s Department negative response to Federal feedback over orchid garden

Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen got a verbal slap from the Sarawak Chief Minister’s Department for her “negative and destructive statement” about the city’s orchid garden. An irritated assistant minister Daud Abdul Rahman said Ng was factually wrong in her statements and had created “a negative image of our orchid garden.”

Daud’s verbal abused

“I don’t know what is her problem. To me such a statement is not only a negative one, but a very destructive one in nature. It can give a very negative image of our orchid garden.

“Her statements has slighted us,” said Daud.

The orchid Garden is not even close to the bench mark already set

Ng who visited the Kuching North City Commission (DBKU) Orchid garden last week had described the DBKU orchid garden “as not impressive and unique enough to compete with other gardens overseas”.

She said that only 48 orchid species featured at the garden and this was insufficient as many of them were of common species, thus it lacked uniqueness.

Malaysia, she said, is the home of more than 1,000 orchid species.

Sarawak Minister in a state of denial yet again

Commenting on her remarks, Daud said: “Not that we don’t want to accept any comment from the minister, but whatever comments should have been constructive.

“She had all her facts wrong. She said there were only 45 orchid species in the DBKU orchid garden when there are actually 65 species with over 600 varieties and about 50,000 plants.

“I don’t know where she got her facts, but her mind is already being poisoned, ” Daud added.

Prize-winning garden

According to him, Ng had made the statements in her speech even before visiting the garden on that day.

“To me we have a very nice orchid garden and the best in Malaysia.


Well Daud, we have seen better orchid garden in Malaya. It is a fact. Sarawak can do better but the “nit wit brain” nature of certain Sarawak Minister is the stumbling block for Sarawak to achieve better result. Stop fooling yourself with being the best, if you know you are not”. Take a look at what you have and check it against the benchmark that exist in the country and best that bench mark. Daud, stop being a whimpy child for the good of Sarawak tourism.

Change WE Must. Many Sarawak Ministers has been in their post for too long that they are not using their brain anymore. Sarawakian need to change that status by voting BN out.

courtesy of

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