Saturday, July 17, 2010

Selangor MB slams DPM, BN for unprofessional politicking on sand

Malaysia Chronicle

SHAH ALAM: Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement negating the federal government’s responsibility on security and enforcement with regards to illegal sand mining activities in Selangor was shocking and irresponsible.

Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said such high-handed attitude is uncalled for as all law enforcement agents and prosecuting powers are under the purview and control of the federal government.

“I am sad and surprised to see a federal minister washing his hands from taking responsibility on security and law enforcement which are in the hands of the federal government. The least he could do was to initiate a discussion with the police to ensure that sand theft can be stopped and eliminated.

“The deputy prime minister must be condemned for telling Selangor that the enforcement on sand matters is the state’s responsibility. The federal government has the duty to provide security and protect the property rights of the state and this shall be above politics,” said the Menteri Besar.

Muhyiddin was insincere and politically-motivated

The Menteri Besar had on Tuesday written a letter to the deputy prime minister informing him of the state’s efforts in combating sand theft in Selangor that had made headlines in the mainstream media.

The letter was in response to the federal minister’s statement that the matter was a simple problem where the authorities merely need to arrest and punish the criminals.

In the letter, the Menteri Besar had provided details on the sand mining theft areas and suspects involved, and a compilation of police reports lodged in the past years. He urged the federal minister to direct police to take the necessary action.

The state now questions the sincerity of the deputy prime minister’s statement.

"The only rationale that can be induced from his actions is that they were politically-motivated,” said the Menteri Besar

Unprofessional and unfair

If this is the case, he added, such development will reflect badly on Malaysia whereby even security and enforcement are turned into political tools.

“It clearly shows that the representatives of the federal government lacked professionalism. This is indeed very sad for the people of Malaysia.”

The Menteri Besar also said that if sand-theft is not the priority of the police force which is facing manpower shortage, it is then timely for the federal government to delegate its responsibility on law and enforcement to the state.

“The Federal should allow the state’s request to form its own auxiliary police team to complement the current manpower. To deny us this and then telling us to deal with the problem alone is unfair,” said the Menteri Besar.

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