Monday, July 5, 2010

Time to vote in a new govt


I HAVE grown up and old enough to see through the deceit and lies by Umno/BN for the past decades under their suppressive, undemocratic, racist, corrupt and arrogant ruling system.

It's indeed sad that many Malaysians still do not realize the importance of voting for a government that will really care for the rakyat and country and not for the leaders' personal gains. They are so easily swayed and gullible that they would just accept promises made by BN people. Most times, these promises were not kept. It's time for Malaysians from all walks of life to grow up just like me and vote in a new Federal Government.

After having suffered a huge loss at the 12th general election, Umno/BN have still not changed even though they keep on talking about change. What kind of change are they talking about when they can still hold the rakyat at ransom.

pas-dap-pkrThey talk about transparency and yet most government contracts, projects and policies are still classified under the Official Secret Act (OSA).

They talk about fairness and equality to all Malaysians under the NEM but they retained the NEP muddled up within the NEM.

They talk about Malaysian First in the 1Malaysia concept but maintained that the Malays and Ketuanan Melayu are still first before others.

They talk about democracy and freedom of speech but there is no guarantee of freedom after speech.

They talk about impartial application from the various institutions but what you see are biased actions towards the oppositions and those critical of the government.

They talk about fighting corruptions but they can still bribe their way through by-elections. "You help me, I help you", you wanted the money, I wanted my candidate to win.

The above are just a summary of what they talk about but have no intention to actually implement them. As usual there are more talks then walks.

With this generalisation, I kick start the 13th General Election (GE) campaign with the theme:

Malaysia needs a new Federal Government and I urge my fellow Malaysians to vote in Pakatan Rakyat which may not be 100% perfect but surely 100% better than Umno/BN.

I am not a politician but just a Malaysian commoner who wants to see that we vote in a New, Clean and Fair Federal Government that is willing to serve the country and rakyat FIRST and with integrity and sincerity

Richard Loh,

Gelugor, Penang

courtesy of MM

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