Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why the fear? Felda's Anak asks deputy minister

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Ahmad Maslan has come under fire for avoiding an open debate or dialogue on the Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) issue.

The National Felda Settlers' Children's Association (Anak) president Mazlan Aliman questioned why the deputy minister appeared rattled by the prospect.

Speaking to FMT, Mazlan said he will not entertain Ahmad's suggestion to hold a closed-door dialogue on the matter.

"When I went to Parliament on July 8 to hand over a letter inviting him for an open debate, I was taken by surprise when he (Ahmad) told the press that he will have a dialogue with me. Later I learnt that it will be a closed-door dialogue.

"The ball is in Ahmad's court now. He can decide when and where he wants to have the debate. But it must be an open debate," he added.

If Ahmad is not willing to engage in an open debate for the sake of the 112, 635 Felda settlers nationwide, then Mazlan said he will settle for an open dialogue.

"I don't want to be branded as a big headed man. I'm willing to have a dialogue with Ahmad if that is what he wants. But the dialogue must be an open event.

“Let other representatives of Felda settlers be present as well and let them hear for themselves what Ahmad has to say. An open dialogue will provide the audience with the chance to question Ahmad on the Felda issue,” he added.

'If you're right, there's no reason to fear'

Mazlan also reminded Ahmad that he should not fear the prospect of an open debate or dialogue since he claims that the government has done nothing wrong.

"Almost on a daily basis, Ahmad, (Prime Minister) Najib (Tun Razak) and other leaders boast in the media that they have done this and that for the Felda settlers.

“They give the impression that all Felda settlers are very happy with Felda and the government and blame people like me and the opposition for politicising the issue,” he said.

"If this is the case, then why is Ahmad avoiding an open debate with me or an open dialogue with Anak? If you are in the right, why are you worried?

“Face me in an open debate before the public and we will telecast the event live,” he added.

During the latest parliament sitting, Ahmad had admitted that Felda's cash reserves declined from RM4.08 billion in 2004 to RM1.35 billion in 2009.

courtesy of FMT

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