Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hadi on UMNO's survival and PAS's hopes in next GE

KUALA LUMPUR (Harakahdaily) - UMNO's survival todate is due to the party's mercenaries who work to make sure the party remains in power, said PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang.

Hadi was responding to several incidents last weekend in which peaceful gatherings organised by Pakatan Rakyat supporters ended in violence after being violated by the police.

The gatherings include the nation-wide candlelight vigils to mourn the 50th anniversary of the draconian Internal Security Act and another gathering of Felcra settlers in Pasir Salak, Perak.

“UMNO is prolonging their life using mercenaries.

"It is not faith or ideology which brings victory to UMNO but government machineries,” Hadi added, and called on PR supporters to "be patient in our struggle and work hard."

He said PAS should set up more branches throughout the country to help win elections.

"Why did we win in Kelantan and Kedah? Because we have many branches there,” he told Harakahdaily in an interview yesterday.

Hadi said he would not buy the theory that PAS would get less support in the next general election compared to March 2008.

“I don’t believe such a theory, including the ‘octopus prediction’," he said, referring to the German sea creature 'Paul' which made headlines because it supposedly could predict the future accurately, including who won matches in the recently concluded World Cup in South Africa.

"I believe if we work hard and with the right strategy, we can achieve greater victory in the next general election,” he stressed.

Hadi said Muslims in the country should replace UMNO with PAS.

“Malays and Islam would remain as the core in the country's politics. UMNO has been given more than 50 years to rule based on the concept of Malay supremacy, which is steeped in Western secularism and which sidelines the authority of Islam.

"It is time for the Malays to return to Islam and choose PAS to replace UMNO to govern this country,” he said.

On the question of subsidies, Hadi said they were being used to control the people.

"Subsidies given are just sufficient for people to survive, but they come with a catch. It is devised to control the people."

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