Monday, August 23, 2010

Headmistress's action a result of Umno's racial incitement :PAS

KUALA LUMPUR (Harakahdaily) - UMNO and Barisan Nasional must take responsibility over the racist remarks uttered by a secondary school principal in Kulai Jaya, Johor.

PAS vice president Salahuddin Ayub said the action by the principal was the result of "continuous racial incitement whether through government agencies under Barisan Nasional control or the main stream media dominated by them".

Siti Inshah Mansor, the headmistress of SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, had allegedly told Chinese students to go back to China.

"For the Indian students, the prayer string tied around their neck and wrist makes them look like dogs because only dogs are tied like that," she had alleged said, as reported by several angry parents who lodged police reports against her.

Salahuddin said many people had fallen into "UMNO-BN’s racist incitement and it cannot be denied that the principle is one of them."

“She dared to utter those remarks because most likely she felt confident that she won’t be punished because she saw UMNO leaders, including Prime Minister's special officer, who got off scot-free,” added Salahuddin referring to Nasir Safar who created a stir last February when he called Indians "beggars" and Chinese women as "prostitutes".

Salahuddin, the Kubang Kerian member of parliament, also called for an end to racist incitements found in government programmes especially the Biro Tata Negara (BTN).

Salahuddin also took a shot at UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, saying it was hypocritical of him to condemn the headmistress, saying the latter's action was encouraged by Barisan Nasional whose leaders had been "fanning racial hatred".

"Don’t just punish those subordinates while UMNO leaders are let off,' he said.

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