Friday, August 20, 2010

Walk the talk, Sabah BN component party tells Musa

Barisan Nasional giant, Umno, has been urged to walk the talk on power sharing and equality in Sabah and stop bullying its smaller colleagues. The United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) said the 1Malaysia concept and the National Transformation Agenda of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's administration should not be mere bombast as it appears to be in Sabah.

Upko supreme council member, Lightson Kohiya in a statement Thursday nevertheless welcomed the assurance by Chief Minister Musa Aman this week that Umno is sincere in working together with other component parties in the state BN. 

Lightson however added that as a mark of sincerity Musa should work on a formal power sharing plan at all levels of the state administration.

The Chief Minister, who is also the Umno and BN head in the state, should call a BN liason committee meeting as soon as possible to work this out, he said.

“Component parties have been expecting Sabah BN secretary Rahman Dahlan to circulate meetings schedule for quite sometime now but it’s not forthcoming.

"We want Sabah BN to have meetings in the same way as that of the BN supreme council,” he said, adding that he was made to understand that the liason committee has not held their meeting for a long time.

He said the meetings are a crucial channel for component parties to present their views and stand on outstanding issues in the state.

He said component party leaders had not been able to discuss matter such as the continuous renewal of IMM13 documents in the last 30 years, poverty eradication, development of the oil and gas industry in Sabah, resolving the illegal immigrants, land matters and formal power sharing in the civil services among a host of other issues.

“There is also a need for component party leaders to have an avenue to contribute ideas how to implement the transformation agenda of the Najib administration,” he added.

Lightson, who is also Upko divisional chief for Kudat, added that the BN in Sabah should seriously consider holding a BN convention to discuss how the 1Malaysia concept could be effectively implemented in the state.

courtesy of FMT

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