Saturday, September 25, 2010

Is Ibrahim Ali losing support at home?

Ibrahim Ali speaking at a lantern festival at Pasir Mas last night. — Picture by Jack Ooi
PASIR MAS, Sept 25 — A few kilometres away from the bustling town of Pasir Mas, lies the birthplace of its mercurial MP Datuk Ibarhim Ali.

Residents of Kampung Kasar are still half-asleep under the gloomy morning skies as traders set up their stalls along the lone road cutting through the village.

The independent lawmaker’s office can be found only a few steps away from the green mosque that towers over the neighbouring buildings.

As the Perkasa chief prepares for the movement’s rally with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed today, he is facing a very important personal battle at home.

Ibrahim has been at the forefront of the Malay nationalist agenda, and proclaim that he is fighting for the rights of his community.

However the villagers believe that the former student activist is only buying time before the coming general election.

Salleh Junoh said he will not vote for Ibrahim Ali even if he runs under PAS's ticket — Picture by Jack Ooi
Villager Salleh Hussin told The Malaysian Insider that the public has grown tired of Ibrahim’s antics since becoming the Pasir MP and ask him to forget about contesting in the general election.

“I regretted voting for him because he has done nothing for us since becoming Member of Parliament. He only knows how to talk here and there but has not done anything,” said the 63-year-old man.

Rahman Mat, 48, said that there has been no difference since Ibrahim became Pasir Mas’s MP.

“I have only thing to describe Datuk Ibrahim, he has a very short attention span and only knows how to talk. You can see for yourselves. What has he done? Only knows how to talk. He talks about the Malay community, unity but in the end, no change,” said the villager.

Salleh Junoh, 63, added that he will not cast his vote for Ibrahim Ali even if he ran for PAS.

“I am willing to not vote for him even if PAS gives its mandate to Datuk Ibrahim. So I am asking for PAS to instead place its own candidate,” Salleh said.

Yusof Mohamad, 56, stressed that nobody will elect Ibrahim if he contested as an independent or with Umno, which the Perkasa chief left before the 2004 elections.

“Back then he won under PAS’s ticket. If he decides to contest under Umno’s ticket then he will surely lose. He became a member of parliament with PAS and then decides to criticise its leaders? I believe that he will lose in the coming general election,” Yusof said.

Yusof added that Pasir Mas electorate will vote for the party, and not the candidate.

“I believe PAS can still win even if it fields a blind candidate,” he said.

Ibrahim won the Pasir Mas parliamentary seat in 2008 by defeating Umno’s Ahmed Rasdi Mahmed by 8,991 votes.

However during the 2004 general election, Ibrahim lost as an independent and was only able to garner 6,198 votes from 52,771 for the same seat.

The dimunitive Ibrahim still has supporters, among whom is Hasan Ali, 63, who believes that the Pasir Mas electorate still appreciates the MP and confessed his love for him.

“As a voter, I love my representative. Even though there have been no significant changes, I still believe that he has tremendously helped the people in this area.

“He is a very generous person and always lends a hand to any residents that need help. In fact, he also gave contribution to the villagers during Hari Raya,” Hasan said.

Hasan added that Ibrahim has a strong chance of retaining Pasir Mas in the general election.

Khadijah Senik, 38, said that Ibrahim is a leader aware of his grassroots.

“Datuk Ibrahim is a leader who is sensitive to people’s problems. He is always helping people with problems. To me, he must remain a member of parliament in this area,” she said

courtesy of Malaysian Insider

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