Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nurul vs Khairy: Who will become Prime Minister

Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

The battle for the hearts and minds of young Malaysia has begun with Nurul Izzah Anwar staking claim on a multi-racial Malaysia that allows no room for racism or religious bigotry - two of the most serious issues ailing the nation, not only curbing economic growth but also making the people grossly unhappy.

Hot on her heels is Umno’s Khairy Jamaluddin. The 34-year old Youth chief has been trying to transform himself into a ‘liberal’ of sorts but with mixed success due partly to his own past record of using race-championing to gain popularity but mostly because of his own political inconsistency – even now.

Early pie on KJ's face

Ibrahim Ali: Malay rights not for debate
Perhaps to take the wind out of Nurul’s sails after she won wide acclaim with her crystal-clear article The ultimate Malaysian debate: Malaysia or Malaysaja,Khairy trained his sights on Johor rapper Namewee.

As the 30-year Nurul took on ultra-Malay rights group Perkasa and challenged its overt racism, Khairy issued an “acid test” dare to the non-Malays, especially the Chinese, that what was sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander.

But the reaction he garnered was far from the bouquets of roses showered on Nurul, the oldest daughter of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Instead, the Oxford-trained KJ – as he is also known – got whacked left, right and center by commentators to his Namewee article. Not only did they tear to shreds his logic, they also accused him of reverting to hypocrisy of the older generation Umno leaders.

Namewee got into trouble with his 'Nah' video
The real acid test

KJ had accused Namewee of racism because of the lyric in his song You tak baca? Siapa buat Malaysia kaya? But the majority feedback was that the rapper was stating an economic fact - not making a racist comment like headmistress Siti Inshah, whom Namewee had attacked in his video clip. Siti had likened Indians to dogs and Prime Minister Najib Razak’s special aide Nasir Safar had earlier this year called Indian beggars and Chinese women whores.

Khairy's critics were upset by the way he pontificated without thinking that he himself may be closing an eye to all the factors and therefore guilty of the two-faced hypocrisy that former premier Mahathir Mohamd has been frequently accused of.

And in this is the real acid test – not the one he set for the non-Malays in his Namewee article but one that Malaysians have set for Khairy himself. Can a leopard change its spots? Is Khairy - cocooned by his wealth and privileged position - already too ‘old’ to feel the pulse of young Malaysia? Does young Malaysia want to cozy up to him?

Sadly for KJ, the son-in-law of former premier Abdullah Badawi, he is unable to reach out to the older Malaysians either. The above 40s think he is a fake and see him more as a potential talent that cannot be realized because of his temperament and duality of nature.

Despite his war chest that some say exceed US$200 million, they rate his chances of reaching the political pinnacle as low and believe it is more likely he will end up a frustrated leader rather than a successful one. Pundits also predict he will make another “major transformation” soon. They see in him a young Mahathir - whom many have scathingly labeled the Father of Opportunism - but without the power of office.

Worse than Ibrahim Ali or Mahathir Mohamd

Mahathir ruled Malaysia 1981-2003
Whether KJ swings to the left, center or right will depend on what is the flavor of the day, but mostly, pundits expect him to swing back to the right. They expect him to become even more ultra-Malay than Ibrahim Ali and more Bolehland than Mahathir because this may be the only way for him to fight his Pakatan peers.

Even in his first test against Nurul, pundits pointed out KJ failed to rise to the high standards demanded by urban Malaysians. It could be he was hampered by the Umno-BN code while Nurul was free to answer only to her beliefs. But the fact that KJ chooses to toe the Umno line is already reflective of his true inclination, they added.

"KJ has said he wants to change Umno-BN from within but this is exactly what Koh Tsu Koon told Gerakan. Are either of them radical, can either men inspire Malaysian youths?" an Umno watcher told Malaysia Chronicle.

In her Malaysia or Malaysaja article, Nurul had chosen to debunk the Ketuanan Melayu or Malay supremacy rhetoric favored by ultra-Malay rights group Perkasa. She point-blank asked Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali in which part of the Federal Constitution was such a term stated. Her daring has earned her the anger of Umno leaders and Defense minister Zahid Hamidi has already accused her of being a traitor.

Yet, Ibrahim Ali who became a Member of Parliament when Nurul was just six years old declined to accept the invitation to a publicly televised debate even though it would actually provide him with the chance to spout his Malay first-and-only rhetoric to the entire nation.

Pakatan's Nurul
Who will be the next PM

The jockeying that has begun amongst the second generation for the post of Prime Minister is a sad reflection of Najib’s failure and underscores the belief that his reign will be brief.

Few Malaysians have faith he can change the country and disrespect him for playing good guy with the non-Malays while getting his cousin Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to do the 'dirty work' with the Malays. The latest incident that upset the Chinese community was when Hisham called 29-year old Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching “dirty” and deemed her unfit to enter a Muslim prayer hall.

But who will shine and land the coveted PM’s chair. If the pundits are right, it won’t be Khairy but that doesn't mean that Nurul will have a clear run either.

Umno's Khairy
Remember Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong and her photos scandal? The same sort of trumped-up gutter politicking may sabotage Nurul’s career. Her father has already been hit with two sodomy trials. What won’t Umno, and this will include Khairy, do to her?

For Pakatan supporters, they take comfort in that come what may, within their coalition are many young leaders as capable as Nurul. And in the face of such relentless competition, Khairy may be forced to return to the Umno tradition of using racism and religious bigotry to gain political popularity.

At the end of the day, how the chips fall will still depend on Malaysians especially young Malaysians. And this is why the battleground is already being prepared.

No matter who the personalities and whether BN or Pakatan, hopefully young Malaysia will remember to look for consistency, character and integrity and keep demanding that these qualities always prevail in any political or policy decision taken by its leaders. If young Malaysia continues to resist manipulation and corruption, perhaps the country may finally be able to breathe a bit easier then.

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