Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shah Alam MP chides Jais head over 'illogical' claims

Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad has hit out at Selangor Religious Department (Jais) director Muhammad Khusrin Munawi for allegedly making inaccurate accusations over the controversy surrounding non-Muslims entering Muslim prayer houses.

At a press conference in Shah Alam today, Khalid said Khusrin's various claims were “illogical” and had confused Muslims and non-Muslims over the issue.

For example, Khalid said, Khusrin's insistence that non-Muslims were subject to mandi hadas (ritualistic cleansing baths) before entering a mosque or surau were not accurate.

“Why must a non-Muslim mandi hadas when it is a prerequisite (onlykhalid samad pas muktamarfor) Muslims? This does not make sense,” said Khalid (left).

He was commenting on heavy criticism by Umno, the party-owned Malay daily Utusan Malaysia, Malay rights pressure group Perkasa and others on Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching's visit to the Al-Huda surau for a breaking of fast function last week.

Teo has been accused of insulting Muslims by entering the prayer hall and delivering a speech in an area of the hall that is off-limits to those who “are unclean”.

Khalid accused Khusrin of being an “agent” of Umno and said he had sullied the name of Islam by making a mountain out of a molehill and mis-interpretation of the religion.

Ibrahim Ali just wants trouble

Other than Khusrin, he also rubbished Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali's insistence that Christians would not be happy if a Muslim went to their church to speak, saying PAS leaders, including himself and Kuala Selangor MP Dzulkefly Ahmad, had done so and received positive feedback.

"They (the Christians) accepted us with open arms - unless of course you are Ibrahim Ali, with the intention of starting trouble," he quipped.

Khalid pointed out that even the National Fatwa Council had put up an edict on its e-fatwa website, as recently as March this year, stating that non-Muslims are allowed to enter mosques and the main prayer hall, so long as the visitors are respectful and kept in check.

"But it becomes a problem when you have a director who has a political agenda and because he is not very educated in Islamic affairs, he gives shameful excuses.

"My advice to him is, at the very least, to refer to the mufti before making any statements... don't go to Ibrahim Ali, who is just the same (as Khusrin)," he said.

Selangor Umno going against sultan's decree

Khalid also took a swipe at Umno for being "two-faced", saying the party had clearly gone against the Selangor sultan's decree forbidding political activities in Islamic places of worship.

He said Selangor Umno's liaison committee working secretary Badrul Hisham Badrudin signed a letter requesting the chief administrator of the Nurul Ehsan mosque in Kg Medan, Petaling Jaya, to allow the party to host a dinner for a breaking-of-fast session with Umno president and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

But what was most shameful was how Khusrin lobbied with the mosque's leadership to allow the event to be held in the mosque, Khalid said.

He noted that the mosque only relented after Selangor Umno agreed to host it outside, in the mosque's parking lot, and only after a second letter was issued, using the Prime Minister's Department letterhead.

"I am deeply disappointed that the Jais director is so enthusiastic in promoting this event. This is very clear cut. It goes against the royal decree and proves Khusrin is an Umno agent," Khalid said.

Umno, he said, does not realise the damage it has done to Islam in its pursuit of political mileage.

"I think we should change its name to Unfriendly Malay National Organisation. They are unfriendly to non-Malays, non-Muslims.

"Umno has survived by emphasising differences and dividing (Malays and non-Malays). Umno is a party that has failed not only the people, but also in upholding Islam," Khalid added.

courtesy of Malaysiakini

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