Sunday, October 3, 2010

PAS: Is DPM trying to insult Ku Li by proposing him for Galas?

Tengku Razaleigh and Muhyiddin
Malaysia Chronicle

PAS leaders slammed Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin for insulting Umno veteran leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah by proposing that he is fielded in the upcoming Galas by-election.

“This is an insult to Tengku Razaleigh, from Minister to state assemblyman in the Kelantan opposition,” PAS treasurer-general Hatta Ramli was reported as telling Harakahdaily.

“Muhyiddin is only showing his selfishness because while it is good for Umno, it is a humiliation for Tengku Razaleigh. He should not have made such a suggestion without consulting Tengku first.”

Candidate will most likely be a "local"

Dr Hatta Ramli
The Galas state seat is part of the Gua Musang parliamentary constituency held by Tengku Razaleigh, who is also known as Ku Li. Gua Musang is one of the rare Umno strongholds in Kelantan and both the other state seats in Gua Musang - Nenggiri and Paloh - are also held by Umno.

The Galas seat fell vacant following the death of PAS assemblyman Che Hashim Suhaima, who died after a long battle against colon cancer. He had wrested the seat from Umno in 2008 by a narrow 646-vote majority, securing 4,399 votes against Umno's 3,753 votes.

Muhyddin had created a stir when he proposed Razaleigh as the most suitable candidate to represent Umno. Muhyiddin had also suggested appointing Razaleigh as the Galas election director.

But the outspoken Razaleigh may not accept either offer. He has often disagreed with his party especially over the issue of oil royalty. In fact he has offered to testify in the lawsuit brought by the Kelantan state government against national oil firm Petronas for non-payment of oil royalties.

PAS’ central working committee is due to meet today to shortlist candidates for the by-election. PAS vice president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has said the choice of candidate was of paramount importance and that the party will as far as possible select a “local”.

According to the last electoral roll, there are 10,330 voters in the constituency, with 65.4% Malays, 22.3% Chinese, 10.5% Orang Asli and 1.8% Indians.

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