Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ansari unfazed despite "desperate" MCA RM100 cash handouts

Malaysia Chronicle

PKR candidate for Batu Sapi by-election Ansari Abdullah slammed the MCA for allegedly handing out RM100 cash to each voter who went to its office in Greenview, saying the move only underscored the BN's lack of confidence in the outcome.

"We are not at all surprised by all these last-minute desperate, dirty tactics. To the bumiputera and the Malay villagers, the BN even gave rice and all sorts of sweeteners. Of course we will complain but frankly the Election Commission is like part of the BN machinery itself. They see only what they want to see," Ansari told Malaysia Chronicle.

He also lambasted the BN for neglecting public safety as the MCA cash offer had sparked an unprecedented turnout. Many of the people in the long queue even fainted from heat exposure and dehydration.

"We will hold BN responsible for any untoward incident. Not only are they dishonest but irresponsible leaders. We are thoroughly disgusted but we will continue our struggle without sinking to their levels," said Ansari.

Balloting on Thursday

Batu Sapi is a parliamentary seat that fell vacant following the death of PBS representative Edmund Chong in a biking accident last month. His widow Linda Tsen, Ansar and SAPP's Yong Teck Lee are locked in tight race for the constituency.

Ansari - suffered two nasty falls during campaigning
Indepnedent pollsters and pundits have given Linda the edge although they expect her to win with a much reduced margin of less than 2,000 votes. Her husband had won the seat by polling 9,479 votes in a straight fight with independent candidate Dr Chung Kong Wing who obtained 5,771 votes.

Meanwhile, Ansari is expected to come out ahead of Yong, although it is still unclear if he can muster enough fire power in the final lap to overcome the BN machinery and its swathe of offered goodies.

"I know that is what everyone is saying but never underestimate your opponent. PKR has made enormous strides and we have our own confidence even if the rest of the world thinks we are the underdogs. We urge the people of Batu Sapi, do not let the opportunity for change - real change - to slip from your hand again," said Ansari.

The Batu Sapi parliamentary constituency, which encompasses the two state seats of Karamunting and Sekong, has 25,582 voters. of whom 15,099 or 59.02 per cent are Muslim bumiputeras, 689 or 2.69 are non-Muslim bumiputeras, 9,737 or 38.06 per cent are Chinese and 57 or 0.22 per cent are others.

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