Tuesday, November 23, 2010

BN Juniors' Club: Who is breaking the law now?

According to a report in today's Sunday Times, the BN supreme council had decided to form a BN Rakan Muda Club in order to attract and bring in more youngsters into the BN fold. The club's membership would consist of youngsters aged between 18 and 21 years.

So, after all these years, BN now decides to woo youngsters aged between 18 to 21 year into its coalition after realizing the potential of the young in our nation.

Actually, Pakatan Rakyat component parties like, PKR, DAP and PAS as well as other political parties like PSM and PRM had longed being wooing youngsters into their fold in order to bring the political awareness to the young generation.

One restriction after another restriction that PKR, DAP, PAS, PSM and PRM face in their youth initiatives is the common use of the University and University Colleges Act (UUCA) by the BN, particularly its dominant party, Umno to prevent university students from approaching the opposing political parties.

For years, the UUCA laws and provisions has widely being used by the BN to prevent open and reform minded students from supporting the opposition parties because they knew that they were not able to attract the youths into their fold. Students at that time were very often being threatened with disciplinary actions via UUCA laws and provisions when PKR, DAP, PAS, PSM and PRM organize youth initiatives or forums in order to explain to the younger generations on various political situation and issues pertaining to politics of our nation.

So now, BN is trying to attract our youngsters into their fold via the formation of a BN Rakan Muda Club and the targeted age group would be from 18 to 21 years old. Do not reason to us that you are not going against the laws and provisions of the UUCA because you are not going to recruit students into your fold.

Just in case you give this reason, we are going to forward this question to you first! Are you going to merely recruit school dropouts, "working children", "mat rempits" and young gangsters to be members of the new BN Rakan Muda Club, because these groups are not students at all? You really do not need students, high achievers or young experts into your fold?

Because if you really want to recruit students, high achievers or young experts into your fold, then you are breaking the law. Then you are going against the UUCA laws and provisions that banned students from universities or university colleges from joining, participating or supporting objectives of political parties.

There is no provision within the UUCA framework saying that only BN can recruit students into their fold while the others could not do so.

So, if you are really to recruit students, high achievers or young experts into your fold, then you are not adhering to the UUCA laws.

We knew very well that, for decades BN has been using the UUCA to oppress the freedom of our students and the young generations who often make opposing views not in favour of the federal government, making statements in support of opposition parties, making criticisms against the government and so on.

Imprisonment and disciplinary actions were often being used to threatened the students and young generations who gave opposing views in support of political parties outside the BN coalition.

Therefore, we are now putting this to the BN leaders, if you are really sincere in allowing our students and young generations to participate in politics or political awareness activities, abolish the UUCA now! Let all students to join or support whatever political party they deem fit to their understanding and not just only BN.

Otherwise, you are just a powerful law breaker with immunity. So, what is the purpose of the law for then? How are we going to respect the law when you are not respecting them yourselves?

courtesy of Socio-Economy, Political and Education

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