Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Guan Eng flays Soi Lek: What more do you need, a video?

Malaysia Chronicle

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has asked MCA president Chua Soi Lek to be a gentleman and apologize on behalf of MCA members who had injured Soh Cher Wai, the brother-in-law of the late DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock.

“The question is did it happen at an MCA event? We have photographs to prove it, and it has already been published by Malaysiakini and other publications, so what does he need? A video?” Guan Eng asked.

The DAP secretary-general was speaking at the sidelines of the 2nd World Chinese Economic Forum on Wednesday.

He was referring to a fracas that broke out on Saturday between MCA members in Galas, where Soh and the Malaysians for Beng Hockmovement had gone to seek political support for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh's suspicious death after overnight interrogation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in July 2009.

But Chua has refused to apologise despite photographic evidence, choosing instead to lash out at DAP and other political opponents for playing up the issue. Soi Lek also said he would only make a decision after he hears from both sides - the MCA and the Malaysians for Beng Hock support group.

The Teohs just want justice - is this so hard?

Soh and the group, which included Teoh's sister Lee Lan, had gone to Galas to collect signatures from parliamentarians and ministers for a petition for Royal Commission of Inquiry.

Soh suffered minor injuries after he was pushed to the ground by MCA supporters when he tried to approach MCA Senator and deputy minister Heng Seai Kie.

“They just want justice. Is that so hard?” asked Guan Eng.

In defense of the MCA, Soi Lek had also questioned why Teoh's family had to collect signatures during a by-election campaign, implying that the move is politically motivated.

But his suggestion has been ridiculed, with many Pakatan leaders pointing out that the group many have no choice because it is clear the Umno-BN government has no intention of calling for a full and independent probe as this could expose top Umno leaders in a conspiracy to oust Selangor Pakatan leaders.

The 30-year old Teoh was Selangor political officer and had gone to the MACC to be interrogated as a witness into an investigation into top Pakatan leaders that was widely believed to have been sprung by Umno, which had vowed to wrest back Selangor at all costs.

“You would have to ask the family themselves, otherwise people would say that the DAP is behind them,” said Guan Eng.

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