Friday, November 26, 2010

I swear I never paid a bribe ! do you believe me ?


About 10 years ago, after a month long holiday in Europe I arrived with my family and a cousin (an ex-Malaysian and now a foreign citizen) at the KLIA airport. All went smoothly from the time we landed till we collected our bags and as we've been away for so long, naturally we had a lot of baggage. We proceeded to Immigrations and when it was my turn, I unzipped our luggage one by one and proceeded to show the Officer the contents explaining that these were merely our clothing's and little gifts and souvenirs from our visits here and there...without batting an eyelid the Officer looked me straight in the face and said"okay....tak paya buka semua....semuanya bagi RM100/= cukup !" (" need to open all the bags...just give me RM100 for all taxable items within !") I immediately protested in shocked disbelieve and said they were not taxable items but in fact personal effects and that I was not going to pay a cent. My cousin looking flustered took out his wallet to end this argument and I told him flatly not to pay anything as there was nothing that warranted a tax in our procession. The Officer, looking tired and bored knew he was up with one loud-mouthed local, quickly just waived us through in a "fed-up""fashion. That was our "welcome back home to Malaysia" greeting !

My point in all this is in what I read here today. I am shocked and amused but not naive to the choice of the "participants" in such dialogs too.

This MACC chief must be a moron as to think we the ordinary tax-paying citizens would come out to confess to our wrong-doings not matter how innocently you coax us to, to admit. It would be suicide to admit to the cops or the MACC itself of one's wrong-doings no matter how trivial.

Why should I even tell him that at almost every road-block along highways, IF you'd care to notice, a Malay cop would deal with a non-Malay"offender" and a non-Malay cop would deal with a Malay "offender" ??? Why ? Because it would be easier to "negotiate" with one not of the same race as there won't be any "abang-adik"sympathetic and/or sob stories to evade a "forced"payment for settlement for an offence committed earlier before the road-block, other words ....a BRIBE, yes ??

Lets not kid ourselves....okay ? We have a system that is corrupt to the core....ask the 22 years reigned "Mahafiruan" who with his 2020 sloganeering ( some say it was 20%me and 20% I ) to almost perfect the art of corruption and it was all in the name of the game then ! Fish does rot from the head down, right ?

Coming back to our MACC head-honcho Abu Kassim and his "simple" test of asking a bunch of 20 bloggers to conclude a blanket innocence of his personnel and blame us as corruptors because only 1 guy admitted to paying a bribe ?? If you can believe that "test" then you're a monkey's uncle ! What an idiot he is who actually thinks we are such morons too.

It is always the little fish who are "put" to the test by the little officers while the big boys sip "lattes"with their crooked bosses !

Sheeesh !

courtesy of Shanghai Fish

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