Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Man who torched himself over Puchong temple demolition dies.

url dap pas

A man, who set himself ablaze in a bid to stop a temple store demolition in Pusat Bandar Puchong on Nov 8, died in Hospital Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday.

M. Chakragunasegaran,52, who suffered severe burns to his body and face, died at 9.15am after 22 days in hospital. He leaves behind a wife and five children.

He will be cremated at the Kampung Tunku Crematorium at 12pm Wednesday, family members said.

On Nov 8, when 200 Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) workers, police and RELA members began the demolishing the store linked to the Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple on Chakragunasegaran shouted don’t demolish, set himself ablaze and then fainted.

Members of the public rushed to put out the blaze but he suffered severe burns.

It is understood that MPSJ had, on Oct 26, given the temple committee seven days to move out as a kindergarten was slotted to be built on the store’s site which was part of the land belonging to the adjacent Tamil primary school.

courtesy of Human Rights Party Malaysia

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