Thursday, November 25, 2010

Musa moves to consolidate his position

By Michael Kaung

EXCLUSIVE KOTA KINABALU: Riding high on the heels of a Barisan Nasional (BN) election victory in Batu Sapi, Chief Minister Musa Aman is moving in for the kill in the battle with his nemesis, Minister of Rural and Regional Development and Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal, for control of the state.

The State Assembly sitting winds up this evening and Musa will chair the state Umno liaison committee meeting later tonight where a reshuffle (and some fireworks) is expected as he attempts to tighten his grip on power.

Many believe that Shafie has hacked away at Musa's near absolute control of the state over the last few months and that the chief minister is eager to reassert his grip following BN's victory in the Batu Sapi by-election earlier this month.

According to sources, a revolt is fomenting within the Sabah Umno Youth headed by Azman Ruslan.

Azman, who is the Keningau Umno division youth leader, is reportedly within Shafie's inner circle.

"Those close to Musa are preparing to send a motion of no confidence against Azman," said a source who requested anonymity.

"They are planning to send a memorandum to the Prime Minister and Umno president (Najib Tun Razak). They have about 21 signatures from various youth divisions. I don't know if they are all the heads of the divisions.

"What is clear is that they want Azman removed. Musa is consolidating his position," the source said.

Putting his men in place

Those rebelling against Azman are said to be those controlled by Musa. There are 25 Umno Youth divisions in Sabah.

The Sabah Umno liaison committee is headed by Musa. Former CM Salleh Said, Musa's science advisor, is the deputy chairman.

The other top guns in the committee are Deputy Chief Minister Yahya Hussin, who is the Putatan division head and state secretary while state Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Masidi Manjun is assistant secretary.

Sipitang MP Sapawi Ahmad is the information chief and state Local Government and Housing Minister Hajiji Noor is treasurer.

Yahya, Masidi and Hajiji are not viewed as enthusiastic Musa supporters.

The others in the committee are the 25 state Umno division heads and youth leaders.

Musa is expected to manouevre his people into key positions and dilute Shafie's influence in the state despite the fact that the rural and regional development minister was key to the BN victory in Batu Sapi. - FMT

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