Thursday, November 25, 2010

PKR Congress: Anwar to press for change despite threats of 'fireworks' from saboteurs

Friday to Sunday at PJ Civic Centre
Dinesweri Puspanadan, Malaysia Chronicle

After conducting a highly-charged but still successful historic direct party election, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's PKR will hold its much-anticipated national congress this weekend, where a new leadership will be announced along with fresh strategies to enlarge its electoral footprint in Malaysia.

"We dared to make a difference and took a risk. It may be seen as if we have paid a heavy price for democracy, but nevertheless for the last few months, PKR has put itself on the national agenda of every mainstream media," PKR information chief Latheefa Koya told Malaysia Chronicle.

"Most important of all, we stood up for democracy when our enemies attacked us mercilessly. But we didn't collapse and we are now the first party to have held direct elections in Malaysia. And even though the turnout was lower than expected, every member was given the chance to vote in the leader of their choice."

Achieved a historic first for democracy despite attempts to mar it

Indeed, despite best efforts by recalcitrant former members like Zaid Ibrahim, Anuar Shaari and Ezam Mohd Noor to destabilize PKR, the party succeeded in concluding polls for its top office bearers. Nearly 40,000 PKR members or about 10 percent of total membership voted for their president, deputy president, vice-presidents and supreme council leaders in a grueling process that began a couple of months ago ending only last weekend.

Latheefa - it was a huge risk
And despite jeering from arch rival BN, the number of PKR members who voted is about 20 times that of the delegates who picked the top leadership at Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC. These BN parties still practice elitism by placing the power of choice in the hands of some 2,000-odd delegates rather than give "one member - one vote".

The three-day PKR National Congress, which begins Friday and ends Sunday, will continue to push on the party's agenda for change. It is seen as one of the most crucial summits as it will aim to "re-coordinate and synchronize" the party mechanism and machinery.

"We need to consolidate as a party after our internal polls and focus on national issues including our agenda for change," PKR strategic director Tian Chua toldMalaysia Chronicle.

Agenda for change, new leadership

About2,460 delegates from 266 branches nationwide and 1,025 observers will be attending the Congress(scroll below for the full time-table). It is also drawing enormous media attention, with more than 200 press personnel registering their attendance.

Despite attacks, Anwar has achieved a first for PKR and M'sia
Speculation is high that Prime Minister Najib Razak may send more Umno-BN agents to destabilize the PKR congress and many media folk are expecting fireworks. What sort of ruckus and whether it will be kicked up by sacked former deputy secretary-general P Jenapala, Zaid, Ezam, Anuar or the newly set-up 'third force' is the latest guessing game among PKR pundits.

Nonetheless, Anwar is unfazed by "hooligans". As far as he is concerned, PKR and its Pakatan Rakyat coalition remains on target to capture federal power from the BN.

“Our party polls have ended and we will now be having our congress. Focus will surely be given to the next general election. At the coming congress, we will emerge stronger by introducing a team which comprises of more young professional leaders,” Anwar vowed.

In the recent internal polls, PKR president Wan Azizan Wan Ismail won her position without contest. Long-time vice president Azmin Ali won the deputy presidency, while fast-rising Nurul Izzah, Tian Chua, Fuziah Salleh and Mansor Othman were voted in as the four new vice presidents.

Malaysia Chronicle appends below the time-table for the Congress (also available from


7.00 - 9.00 pagiPendaftaran Perwakilan dan PemerhatiRuang Pendaftaran
7.15 - 9.00 pagiJamuan pagiRuang Jamuan
8.20 pagiKetibaan ahli MPWP & ahli MPAMK
9.00 pagiUpacara PerasmianDewan Banquet
10.45 pagiPersidangan Kongres Wanita bermulaDewan Auditorium

Persidangan Kongres AMK bermulaDewan Banquet
12.45 tghariMakan tengahari / Solat
2.00 - 6.00 ptgPersidangan bersambung
6.00 ptgPersidangan Wanita & AMK ditangguh


7.00 - 9.00 pagiPendaftaran Perwakilan & PemerhatiRuang Pendaftaran
7.15 - 9.00 pagiJamuan PagiRuang Jamuan
8.20 - 8.50 pagi Ketibaan ahli-ahli MPP
8.55 pagiKetibaan Ketua Umum & Presiden
9.00 pagi
Ketua Umum, Presiden & ahli-ahli MPP
masuk Dewan
Dewan Banquet
9.05 pagiKata-kata aluan Pengacara Majlis
9.05 - 9.50 pagi
Majlis Perasmian Kongres 2010
  • Lagu Negaraku
    Lagu Rasmi Parti
    Bacaan Doa

9.50 - 11.00 pagiUcapan Dasar Presiden & Perasmian
11.00 -11.30 pagiUcapan Pemimpin Pelbagai Kaum
11.30 - 12.30 tghari
Pemilihan Pengerusi Tetap,
Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap,
2 Pemeriksa Kira-kira

12.30 - 2.00 ptgMakan Tengahari & Solat Zuhur
2.00 - 2.30 ptg
Persidangan bermula - sesi membentang
& meluluskan:
  • Minit Kongres 2009
    Laporan Tahunan 2010
    Penyata Kewangan 2009

2.35 - 4.15 ptgSesi Perbahasan Ucapan Dasar Presiden
4.15 - 4.45 ptgJamuan Teh & Solat Asar
4.45 - 7.00 mlm
Sambungan Perbahasan Ucapan Dasar

7.00 mlmPersidangan Ditangguh

7.00 - 9.00 pagiJamuan PagiRuang Jamuan
9.00 pagiPersidangan disambung - Sesi Perbahasan

12.30 tghariMakan Tengahari & Solat Zuhur
2.30 ptgPenggulungan

Pengumuman Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Pusat
Penggal 2010 - 2013

Ucapan Penangguhan

4.00 ptgPersidangan Ditangguh
4.15 ptgJamuan TehRuang Jamuan

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