Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sabah PKR leader hauled up by police for Batu Sapi blog posting

Ronnie Klassen
Malaysia Chronicle

In a classic case of abuse of power that has become a hallmark of Malaysian politics, Sabah PKR communications director Ronnie Klassen is the latest opposition leader to be hauled up by the police.

And Ronnie's 'crime'? He wrote on his blog that,

"On the eve of nomination,while taking a break over tea with some journalists, UPKO's Supreme Council Member,James Ligunjang join me and had this to tell me,"BN has no chance in Batu Sapi".

Across my table then came along Sebatik's former assemblyman from UMNO and greeted me.His parting words on the chances of BN "not so good".As ironic as it may sound,it came as no surprise to me.UMNO/BN is well aware that they have lost Batu Sapi."

UPKO man taken by fright

Apparently, the UPKO leader is worried that his position in his party and BN will be hurt by Ronnie's posting.

"An interesting Birthday gift. I just recieved a phone call from the Kota Kinabalu Police Inspector Faisal requesting my presence for a statement on a Police Report lodged against me by UPKO's Supreme Council Member, James Ligunjang," said Ronnie, who celebrates his 50th today.

"I presume his position in BN must have been threatened or perhaps he must have been grilled by Umno-BN leaders when I mentioned in my blog what he said."

Ronnie will be going to the Sandakan police headquarters on Wednesday at 11am to have his statement recorded by an Inspector Jefferi, the Investigating Officer for cases involving the Sandakan by-election.

"I will not be intimidated by James Ligunjang or Umno-BN. Lawan tetap lawan," fired back Ronnie.

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