Tuesday, December 28, 2010

All agog over identity of senior minster who raped maid

"Who is the minister?" is the question on everyone's lips following a revelation in WikiLeaks that a Malaysian cabinet member had got scot free despite allegation that he had raped his Indonesian helper three years ago.

The news has become one of the most read stories this year following the WikiLeaks expose.

However, blogger Rocky Bru, or Ahirudin Attan, had earlier touched on the incident which took place in 2007, when Abdullah Badawi was the prime minister.

According to WikiLeaks, the incident had become a topic of conversation among diplomatic circles, including the US and Indonesian embassies, and was also discussed in the Prime Minister's Department.

Senior minister

Yesterday, migrant rights group Tenaganita publicised a media statement by Indonesian non-governmental organisation Migrant Care, which called for thorough investigation into the case.

The statement was made by the group's Wahyu Susilo, Anis Hidayah and Alex Ong and dated August 1, 2007, naming the victim as Robengah, and describing the culprit as one "Malaysian senior minister" from "the ruling party".

"The nature of the case is highly sensitive and involve the national interests of both countries, we hope all the concern parties will be very patient with us because Migrant Care is as concern as the other stakeholders of this loving nation of Malaysia," it said.

The statement also recalled that a similar case in 2005 involving a "senior minister from Kedah" had failed to deliver justice to the victim.

- Harakahdaily

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