Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I’m only following orders, says Jais director

Khalid, still not informed officially of Khusrin's promotion
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 28 — Newly-minted Selangor state secretary Datuk Mohd Khusrin Munawi defended his appointment today saying he was just abiding with federal government orders.

“I am only following orders which were issued to me. I do not want to comment any further,” Mohd Khusrin told The Malaysian Insider today.

Mohd Khusrin, who is state Islamic Religious Department (Jais) director is scheduled to begin his duties as state secretary on January 1, as a debate over his appointment rages on.

The Selangor palace has confirmed Datuk Mohd Khusrin Munawi as Selangor state secretary. Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani, who is private secretary to the Sultan of Selangor said Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has blessed the decision by the Public Services Department, to appoint Khusrin.

“In my view, the decision has been confirmed as His Highness has given his blessings to the appointment,” Sinar Harian quoted Mohamad Munir as saying today.

He added that according to the state constitution, the appointment of the state secretary was under the purview of the Public Services Commission.

Mohd Khusrin’s appointment is seen to be against the stand of the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government, where claimed yesterday that the decision not yet been finalised despite Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan’s announcement.

The state government insisted however that Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has yet to be officially informed.

It is understood that the Selangor MB has sent an official letter to the Sultan of Selangor informing him of the state’s stand on the matter. The state government had gone through a “selection process” for the post by assigning a panel of judges to interview potential candidates. The panel has already shortlisted three names most suitable for the post.

“The mentri besar has sent the three names to the Sultan of Selangor for his approval. In light of this the mentri besar will also be having an audience with the Sultan on December 29,” the statement said yesterday.

The announcement by Mohd Sidek also stated that that the Jais director would be taking over the state secretary duties from Datuk Ramli Mahmud, who leaves on December 31.

The post of Jais director, vacated by Khusrin, will be filled by Sabak Bernam District Officer Marzuki Hussin, 56, also on Jan 1, according to the Chief Secretary.

Mohd Sidek had also said the appointments of Mohd Khusrin and Marzuki had received the consent of the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. - Malaysian Insider

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